!!! Set To Release Their Third Full-length

!!! Set To Release Their Third Full-length

Tuesday, 26 December 2006

!!! Set To Release Their Third Full-length, Myth Takes, March 6th On Warp Records:

The Brooklyn-by-way-of-California rock collective known by the unmistakable three exclamation points !!! or the tri-syllabic ChkChkChk are set to release their third full-length, Myth Takes, March 6th on Warp Records. !!!’s ability to transcend traditional indie slings and bring down the house everywhere from Red Hot Chili Peppers stadium tours to underground loft parties is renowned. Myth Takes is the funkiest, catchiest and most unconventional album you’re likely to hear from an American band recalling the heady heydays of Primal Scream and Talking Heads.

With a wit, swagger and well-tuned ear for the dance floor, !!! have followed up the now classic Louden Up Now (2004)with the kind of rock album that many had thought extinct. Muscular and nimble, smart and funny, strange and endlessly sing-a-long-able, Myth Takes is a sprawling experiment in pop songwriting and musical irreverence. From full-on rock heroics and double-vision funk to electronic spectres and thundering disco, this is the sound of a band that has relentlessly traveled the globe, picking up tuneful cues like passport stamps. From the bass-heavy psychedelia of album opener “Myth Takes” straight through to the lilting beatless ballad of the last track “Infinifold” the album lives up to it’s title as a rambunctious, complete work wrapped in its own mystique.

Rising from the ashes (and piles of empty beer cans) of the now-legendary house parties in their hometown of Sacramento, !!! chose their exclamatory triplet symbol over a conventional band name, because it reflects the excitement shared by the band members, mixed with an intense desire to shake things up artistically, musically and idealogically

!!! is John Pugh (vocals, drums), Nic Offer (vocals), Allan Wilson (percussion, horns), Mario Andreoni (guitar), Tyler Pope (guitar, keys), Justin Vandervolgen (bass, sound engineering tweaks), Dan Gorman (percussion, horns), Jerry (drums)

FYI: !!! is pronounced as any three repetitive sounds. Common interpretations are chicchicchic, powpowpow, uhuhuh, among many unlimited possibilities.

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