
Roger Waters – [Live]

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Roger Waters finally brought The Wall to San Jose earlier this month, and the two-hours-plus feast for the senses proved to be well and truly worth the thirty years that Pink Floyd fans have waited to see the classic album performed live, and in all its' glory.

After taking the stage on putting on the leather trench coat that was waiting for him, Waters immediately got the show on the road with "In The Flesh" and, as a fighter plane came sailing across the arena before crashing into the stage amid a wall of pyrotechnics, it was obvious that this was indeed going to be a "Rock Show."

As Waters and his band (including guitarists G.E. Smith and Snowy White of Thin Lizzy) told the story of The Wall, the actual 'Wall' was being built on the stage in front of them. Soon it became the screen for an amazing video projection that linked what was being seen with what was being heard. It was pretty amazing to watch, especially considering that by the time they wrapped up the first half of the show with "Goodbye Cruel World" everyone on stage was concealed by the wall.

After a short break, Mr. Waters picked up right were he had left off with "Hey You," and although the show had become much more of a political commentary than it was during the first half, the visuals (including the infamous pig) became even more and more intense. "Comfortably Numb," "Run Like Hell," and "In The Flesh" all sounded timeless, and by the time the wall finally came down (complete with even more pyro and bombastic visuals) It was apparent that in some ways, The Wall is just as relevant now as it was thirty years ago.


Raymond Ahner's photo essay of Roger Waters' performance of The Wall at HP Pavillion in San Jose, Ca, 12-7-10

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