RJD2 to Release New Record

RJD2 to Release New Record

Friday, 03 November 2006


Making a brave departure from his pioneering instrumental hip-hop legacy he will release an epic pop rock album on March 6, 2007

For a preview of what is to come, listen to “You Never Had It So Good”  http://myspace.com/rjd2

“Maybe its kind of like if King Crimson went to a therapist, and came out really happy and optimistic about the world, and was just walking around giving out hugs and shit.”  -RJD2

RJ’s thoughts on leaving Definitive Jux:
“Leaving Jux was a hard decision for me to make, both personally and business-wise, but for the folks who follow that  kind of thing (labels and such), I think it will make sense when you hear the new record as it’s not hip hop.  I got to a point where i just felt like it wouldn’t make sense to have the music i’m doing now released on jux- they are a powerhouse within their arena, but i feel like I’m playing a different game now.  I will definitely miss working with them.”

RJ’s thoughts on being at XL, and the new record:
‘Im thrilled with what is happening for me right now. I cant wait for this new record to drop, to prep for the touring, to be working with XL.  Music is more exciting than it’s ever been to me.  I’ve learned more about music, in a general sense, in the last 2 years than than i have in a long, long time.

RJ’s thoughts on what the music is like now:
It’s more lushly produced, with vocal harmonies and grooves.  Like the Zombies, Steely Dan and Daft Punk having some brews in a hot tub.   It’s sort of a garage-y produced pop record, that’s got vocal harmonies, some bad-ass guitar tones, very slight riffage,  just enough piano, and some tough ass drums.   I think it sounds more like real human beings playing instruments than anything i’ve ever done.  Maybe its kind of like if King Crimson went to a therapist, and came out really happy and optimistic about the world, and was just walking around giving out hugs and shit. Or you know how guys break down once a year, and tell their friends that they love them, but they still do it hella manly like?  Its like that moment, i guess.

KRIS CHEN (formerly of Domino and newly at XL with RJ and Thom Yorke as his first signings) on RJ and his music:
“I’ve always been a fan of RJ’s work, but when I first heard some of the tracks that shape this album – I was struck by how different and brave they sounded.  I say brave because he’s done something that all my favorite artists have done throughout their careers –


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