Rascal Flatts – [Album]

Rascal Flatts – [Album]

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Artist: Rascal Flatts
Album: The Greatest Gift Of All
Label: Big Machine Records/Sony Music

What do people mean when they say “that music moved me”? Moved you from your seat to turn it up? Moved you from the room to get away from the twisted sounds of crashing and banging? Moved you to shake your bottom and get a groove on? For me, music is a background noise that is always on when I am working, cleaning, playing, cooking, bathing or virtually any activity to which I can bring a player of some sort with me.

When I first pressed play on Rascal Flatts’ The Greatest Gift of All I was moved to panic; thinking “I’m not ready for Christmas yet.” It was soothing as Gary LeVox’ voice always is; it was melodic and jingly as you can always count on the trio to be, but I just wasn’t feeling the Christmas spirit yet. My surroundings weren’t coordinated with what my ears were hearing.

And then, this past weekend with a push from my children, I began pulling out boxes of glittery snowmen and jingly bells. I knew it was the perfect time to re-asess the album to which I had already listened, but to which I had felt no connection.

From the first note of the first song, “Joy to the World,” I was moved. My body warmed from my toes to my nose in that wonderful way the Christmas spirit invades – my heart swelled as I looked around at the Winter Wonderland that had become my home; the giddy smiles that had appeared on my children’s faces when they noticed that our Christmas Elf had returned. There was not a note of somberness as there sometimes is in Holiday music; I was moved to feel grateful and joyful for the season upon me and for the family I have to share it with.

That is what I believe great music should do: move you. It touches your heart in such a way, that the words might not exactly fit your story, but the feeling that the story gives you touches your heart in a way that inspires you to do something great.

Surprisingly, Rascal Flatts has never released a Christmas album but their years of experience leads this to the front of the pack of many Holiday albums being released. Talent isn’t lacking in a single note of one single song of the 16 you are gifted with this album.

I don’t know how many strings are on the guitars that Jay and Joe play. I don’t know the proper descriptive words that will explain how powerful all of their voices are. I don’t know how many times these songs have been done, and redone by musicians worldwide; but what I can tell you, is that this Christmas Album is one of the best, most uplifting that I have heard and it will be playing in my home all throughout the holidays. [Brianne Jourdin]


The Greatest Gift Of All is out now. Buy it here on Amazon.

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