SPOTLIGHT: Tarantula Heart

WHO: (the) Melvins WHAT: Tarantula Heart WHY: The Melvins “joke” that this is the best album they’ve released ever or in a long time. I don’t know if that’s necessarily true, because I remember Bases Loaded being pretty great. The thing with the Melvins is that they’re constantly putting out good or above average albums. However, I gotta say, there’s something quite special about Tarantula Heart. It’s sludgy, funny, heavy, ambitious, catchy as hell yet still retains the identity of...

Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Sarah De Valliere – [Album]

Sarah De Valliere The Healing (independent) The Healing is one of the most beautiful albums I have heard in a long time. De Valliere’s vocals and piano are sweet and lush. Her melodies caress the ears. The music is soulful pop, with touches of blues and jazz, as well as orchestral flourishes. The recording is exquisite; every instrument is clear and crisp. More important, it leaves you feeling beautiful. This is not just an album about healing, as the title...

Friday, 26 July 2024
The Ergs!/Boris the Sprinkler/EggheadLive @ Crystal BallroomSomerville, MA [07/18/24]

The Ergs!/Boris the Sprinkler/EggheadLive @ Crystal BallroomSomerville, MA One of the funnest tours of 2024 might be over, but it’s never too late to find out about it. Huh, I should work on my intros more. But why didn’t I write about the Egghead/Boris the Sprinkler/Ergs! East Coast tour before? Because, hindsight makes fools of us all. But, I’m no fool. This one was special, and if you were there (or WANTED to be there) you know what I’m...

Monday, 22 July 2024
TV Party Tonight! #148

Purple Rain40th Anniversary Edition This is a weird one. The soundtrack is a banger, but the movie is straight up Prince propaganda. That may be obvious to everyone, but it’s also my main hangup with Prince. Prince the man, as he portrays himself, is what’s preventing me from truly loving his music. He’s just too full of himself. Sure, the music should speak for itself, and the album this movie is promoting (or vice versa) has some incredible songs....

Tuesday, 16 July 2024
SPOTLIGHT: Dangerous

WHO: Dog Party WHAT: Dangerous WHY: If you want straight up Ramonesy punk rock (an easy thing to find) done well (NOT an easy thing to find), look no further than Dog Party. It’s got all the catchy melodies and heavy riffs you’d want, but these ladies put their own flare on it all. Their new album Dangerous sees them treading new waters: it’s more mature, has a country twang to it, yet it retains all the fun and identity...

Monday, 15 July 2024
TV Party Tonight! #147

East of Eden East of Eden might be one of the most celebrated books ever and Elia Kazan one of the most celebrated directors ever, but boy did they botch this one. I hate to come in so hot, but this movie just brought it out of me. It’s one of those cases where I have so many thoughts on why I didn’t like a movie that I just want to get it out into words. Why are people...

Monday, 08 July 2024
I Wanna Be Literated #275

Philip K DickSelected Short Stories I consider myself a sci-fi book nerd. Or at least I used to be. A new job can be a stressful thing. So much so that I haven’t read any books this year…period. At one point I was reading 50 a year! What happened to me? Oh, yeah, the new job. I read this a few years ago and just now am getting around to reviewing it. But back when I had the time,...

Sunday, 30 June 2024
SPOTLIGHT: New York Ninja

WHO: Kurt M Spieler/Vinegar Syndrome WHAT: New York Ninja WHY: Look, the point of SPOTLIGHT was to focus on music, not movies, but there’s a first time for everything. Imagine a man discovering 6 hours of footage, without sound, of an abandoned martial arts movie from the 80s and taking it upon himself to re-edit it, rewrite the script (sometimes by reading lips), rerecord the dialogue and sound effects, and find a band to write a score that would fit...

Tuesday, 25 June 2024
TV Party Tonight! #146

To Kill a Mockingbird Let’s think of a simpler time: 2020 mid-pandemic. To pass the quarantine, my wife and I had taken up watching all the movies from the AFI 100 list. It’s really a great way to get exposed to great movies you would otherwise never see. And it really puts new cinema into perspective and just how ridiculous mainstream movies have gotten. To Kill a Mockingbird came on the queue, and honestly, didn’t make much of an...

Thursday, 20 June 2024
Vinyl Vlog 651

A deeper look at the grooves pressed into the “Mantra” b/w “Surfers On Acid” 7” single by Trabants. It’s impressive how engaging Trabants prove they’re capable of being on their “Mantra” single, particularly given that the first which tends to hook listeners is the thing that is noticeably absent from the band’s construct: a singer. Usually, a band’s singer is the first thing that engages listeners and brings them into the music but, without that, Trabants finds a way to...

Wednesday, 12 June 2024