Our fifth installment of Lunarcast features a Southern California band called Hell At Night. The band’s original concept was as a duo, consisting of twin brothers Nart and Dan Chejoka (drums and guitar/vocals, respectively). However, earlier this year, a third member was added to the band, former Lidsville frontman Greg Johnson, who now provides the much-needed bass and sings lead and backup vocals. It was this lineup that entered the studio for a second round to finalize their debut EP...
There’s a very fine line between what’s cute and what’s overly cute. Australia’s own Architecture in Helsinki don’t tip toe in between both mediums, but place themselves as an entire entity all unto itself. They’re MEGA cute. They jump up and down fully exuberant. They wear rather colorful clothes—case in point, the safari inspired orange and yellow zebra striped shirt worn by leader Cameron Bird. And for Pete’s sake, they even have a member that has those fun typed-up dreadlocks!...
Something about this feels familiar. I’m standing outside the Henry Fonda waiting for the press list to make its way to the box office so I can get the security guards to stop staring at me and gripping their metal detection wands in a manner I’m not the least bit comfortable with. One of them attempts to outsmart me by asking all sorts of questions about my press cred. I turn the tables and have him asking all about the...
I hadn’t been to a show in a while. Not a straight rock 'n' roll show, that is. My last visit to the infamously retroactive Roxy Theater on Sunset was, surprisingly, not what I would expect from the worn-out Strip. MSTRKRFT, Aoki’s Dim Mak crew, Cobrasnake, pot-smokin’ girls in the bathroom and sweat dripping off the ceiling, all made for a vicariously unpretentious pretentious time. People are wearing neon again. It is at once comforting and unsatiating, I am refreshed,...
Canadians move fast. Hot on the heels of last week's announcement of a brand new album from the Broken Social Scene camp–specifically featuring the talents of lead singer Kevin Drew–there's a tracklist and an mp3 for all you rabid fans. So get ready, get set, go: www.arts-crafts.ca/kevindrew Broken Social Scene presents: Kevin Drew, "Spirit If…" 1. Farewell To The Pressure Kids 2. Tbtf 3. F-ked Up Kid 4. Safety Bricks 5. Lucky Ones 6. Broke Me Up 7. Gangbang Suicide...
In the world of music, there is usually good news and news you could care less about. Sometimes there is bad news, like someone dying, but that's pretty rare. So yeah, good or neutral. Swayzak coming out with a new album, well, that would fall under the "good" category (at least for Press McGee). The word on the street is the album is a little different than the tech/electro/disco we're used to hearing from the UK-based group made up of...
At the risk of sounding pun infected, Spaceland has always been fairly alienating in my opinion. It’s a weird combination of things—expensive drinks and the smoky back bar come to mind—but the main one has to be the shiny blue and silver backdrop that screams “you must watch me, for I am a rock band.” Considering the size of the venue (small-to-medium sized) and the relative “size” of the acts (see previous parenthetical notation), it lacks the expected intimacy that...
I am getting too old for this—this idea of shows starting after 10 p.m. As I wait in line at Bottom of the Hill behind couples of underage San Francisco hipsters in faded designer skinny jeans and $10 thrift store sweaters, I can’t help but worry that I won’t be home before 2 a.m. Is good music still worth missing out on so many hours of precious sleep? Of course it is. The Friday night lineup starts with Kira Kira,...
Sean Tillmann is sitting outside his Los Angeles apartment as we talk. “Hold on,” he says as he begins to talk to someone nearby, “Excuse me, What? I can’t hear you… Sorry, No… I’m doing an interview right now.” He shifts back to our conversation, “Sorry about that, someone was trying to buy a cigarette from me.” Such is the life of the music industry’s Bruce Wayne. Sure, Sean’s musical career is nothing to sneeze at, but he lives in...
For a split second there I wasn’t so sure what was going to happen. A sold-out Sunday night show in Hollywood seemed to be an unlikely thing, as the world (yes, L.A. included) had been swept by the Tonys: the musical variety, the tear-drop shot from King James kind, and the revered/reviled did-he-or-did-he-not-get-whacked assortment. A triple bill of make-you-sweat hip-hop, make-you-think hip-hop and Euro trash meets discothèque rock were all poised to overshadow all. Judging by the hundreds that piled...