Vinyl Vlog 487

A deeper look at the grooves pressed into the Now Or Never 12” EP by The 45 Adapters. From note one of their new 12” EP Now Or Never, it’s patently self-evident that while the band took almost four years between the They Call It Justice 7” and this new, six-song EP, they must have been working – because they don’t sound quite like the same band. As soon as stylus settles into groove on the A-side and the title...

Wednesday, 03 March 2021
Interview: Mo Shafeek — Artistic Director, Mondo

Mo ShafeekArtistic DirectorMondo As far as vinyl soundtracks are concerned, Mondo has quickly become the gold standard over the years. From their roots as a shirt company in Austin TX, Mondo’s soundtracks are probably the most in-demand records for collectors. Their wild curating (they’ve released Raw and Josie and the Pussycats and Avengers Endgame) and meticulously detailed packaging and artwork, have garnered a devoted fanbase. We decided to talk to artistic director Mo Shafeek to gain a little knowledge of...

Monday, 01 March 2021
Spencer Burton – [Album]

Spencer Burton Coyote (Still Records/Dine Alone) I confess that I was not paying complete attention to the music initially, the first time I threw Coyote on to review it. I figured it would be easy; I put it on and started washing dishes – but I didn’t actually get any dishes washed. In fact, before the second song on the album, “Memories We Won’t Soon Forget” had finished playing, I had stopped moving completely – even that early, all I...

Saturday, 27 February 2021
TV Party Tonight! #92

Coming to America We’re kind of living in a special time where we get to witness Eddie Murphy’s comeback. I’m at that age where it’s hard for me to appreciate what a giant star he was in the 80s and 90s. His movies were simply huge, and it was almost as if he was the comedy version of Schwarzenegger’s action blockbusters. What I was unable to appreciate as a Gen X-er/Millenial is the subtlety and charm in Eddie Murphy’s...

Thursday, 25 February 2021
Vinyl Vlog 486

A deeper look at the grooves pressed into the Young & Dying in the Occident Supreme 12” EP by Mobley. Such events are undeniably rare in any language, but Mobley’s Young & Dying in the Occident Supreme is possessed of an imagination and design that is simply unheard of. The record goes out of its way to present listeners with a series of ideas which do not correlate; the A-side features six fantastic and undeniably unique pop songs while the...

Thursday, 25 February 2021
Vinyl Vlog 485

METZAtlas Vending One of my first priorities when the quarantine is over will be to start going to shows again. Not sure how well it’s going to go with a newborn child (quarantine makes fools of us all), but the Metz have shot up the priority list as one of the must-see live acts ever since Atlas Vending came out. Why? Because it’s the best thing they’ve done yet. One of the reasons I wax philosophical about the Metz is...

Wednesday, 24 February 2021
Vinyl Vlog 484

A deeper look at the grooves pressed into PWR/UP by AC/DC. For basically the last thirty-eight years, AC/DC has tried a few different things and taken a few different turns to try and grow up (or age up? Or act their age?) with limited success at most. Every time the band has tried to move forward from the callous one-liners and double entendres that first helped to make them famous (Flick Of The Switch was the first occasion), AC/DC has...

Thursday, 18 February 2021
Vinyl Vlog 483

A deeper look at the grooves pressed into the Jealous Butcher reissue of Infinite X’s’ self-titled album. After Longstocking met its end in 1997, singer/guitarist Tamala Poljak was clearly still riding some residual inspiration when they began assembling the music which would become Infinite X’s’ debut album. When the time finally came to start recording, the group of players assembled to comprise the band gave an ideal illustration of what it would sound like; Poljak’s pedigree was all about West...

Wednesday, 17 February 2021
Longstocking – [Album]

Longstocking Singles & Demos 1994 – 1998 (Chainsaw/Jealous Butcher Records) After the release of Once Upon A Time Called Now, the lion’s share of Longstocking’s story had been told. The band had walked the trail in much the same way other groups had; they had released a couple of singles prior to their only full-length album, and the band broke up before the end of that same year. There just wasn’t a whole lot else in the band’s canon to...

Wednesday, 17 February 2021
Vinyl Vlog 482

A deeper look at the grooves pressed into the Jealous Butcher reissue of the Once Upon a Time Called Now LP by Longstocking. Some events simply defy the laws of probability – and that Longstocking never got a fraction of the attention the band deserved is definitely one of them. Seriously – how did the band get overlooked as much as it did? They were in the right place (in Los Angeles) at the right time (from 1995 to 1997...

Tuesday, 16 February 2021