I work in a shopping mall. A shopping mall that has 2 CD stores, and 3 department stores which have CD sections in it. With a new Nine Inch Nails CD coming out soon, I thought I would go and see what CDs or DVDs were in the shops and grab something I didn’t already have. You know, whet my appetite. So on my hour lunch break I head in to CD shop #1, hmm…there seems to be a NIN...
Platinum hair, call and response vocals and mosaics aren’t always enough to make a classic UK. post-punk revival successful. You have to get a gnarly D.I.Y. haircut first. “Our tour manager’s girlfriend is going to be cutting my hair in the van after the interview,” says Antonia Sellbach, leading lady of Love of Diagrams. The Melbourne trio, comprised of Sellbach (bass/vocals) Luke Horton (guitar/vocals) and Monika Fikerle (drums), was in Los Angeles for the first of their ten shows in...
The last time I went to L.A.’s Echo was to see Spankrock, and by “went,” I mean to say I didn’t see a show. After standing in line in what was the coldest weather to hit the area in decades, and standing for what felt like an eternity at an ungodly hour, I decided to challenge my friends to a duel: rock, paper, scissors came to mind. My paper beat rock, and the victory decision was that we leave the...
Last year was a pretty extraordinary year in my life. I was lucky enough to spend time in Europe and had the fortune of seeing the Kandinsky survey exhibit at the Tate Modern in London. Inside, there were a series of bills posted along the museum illuminating the exhibit and one of them read, "What color is a C#?" Come nine months later and Person Pitch, I find myself once again thinking about the possibilities of sensory crossover. This is...
Finding Guernsey on a map can be mere guesswork, but some 75 miles off the coast of Great Britain in the English Channel, one finds the tiny island that is Britain’s last existing fiefdom. Although things might be changing for the little kingdom in Parliament, Guernsey’s pastoral setting of green hills and steep cliffs is conveniently nestled away from England’s urbanity, its provincial attire made complete in legal guidelines. It is country without being backward, rural without being dogmatic. The...
The second installment of Lunarcast features Big Business, perhaps the busiest and most productive rock band around. Bassist/singer Jared Warren and arguably one the best drummers alive, Coady Willis, not only thrive as a two-piece, cultivating a style of heavy music with touches of metal, punk and prog, but also make up a portion of The Melvins’ rhythm section. In true Big Business fashion, they held a free pre-record release show at All-Star Lanes in Eagle Rock, CA, to celebrate...
Let’s just start this straight off. The Arcade Fire’s latest, Neon Bible, isn’t as good as Funeral. Tear-jerking crescendos are much fewer and farther between. The hair on the back of your neck won’t get quite as much of a workout. But consider what they are up against—a debut album as critically and commercially adored as Funeral—and realize that’s a pretty tough hand to beat. So past achievements aside, how does Neon Bible stack up against its musical peers, both...
I have spent the past year in every record shop I could find up the coast of California looking for albums by the Mexican alternative rock band, Zoé. The song "Deja Te Conecto" was burned on a mix CD for me a few ago, and has been on repeat in my car ever since. Zoé still hasn't gained mass popularity in the United States but that's about to change as the group just embarked on their first official U.S. tour...
Whether or not the title of The Ponys’ new record, Turn the Lights Out, has anything to do with Interpol’s famed 2002 release Turn on the Bright Lights (or whether it’s remotely related to the fact that the Chicago foursome just got signed to Matador, making them post-punk cousins and label buddies alike) is of minute importance when it comes down to musical comparisons. It may be one of those funny things that happen sometimes, and it might put me...
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club will headline a spring tour that will start with support from The Fratellis in San Diego on May 6th and have them touring through June. The tour will fall on the wings of the release of their fourth album, Baby 81, out May 1st on RCA Records. With their 2005 critically acclaimed album, Howl, BRMC proved their stalwart musicianship with their own brand of stripped down Americana and are now deftly transitioning back towards the color-saturated...