
Awrightcha mooks,Yeahyeahyeah, deal wit' it – betta late thin never, I showed up wit'cher newest bag o' SWAG. That makes ya smile, don'it? I gotcha some pretty killer gear too – even a coupla full-length releases, so le's get ta bizness. Kay, first, I scored ya some new Dum Dum Girls. This band keeps changin' junkie! They went from soundin' like a chick version o' The Stooges (sorta – I ain't no critic, that's every otha writer's trip 'ere) ta...

Saturday, 06 October 2012

It's funny how some records age, given the sort of music they capture and the time period in which they were made. Some albums wear their age very well and easily slide into a “classic” categorization (the catalogues of The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin all immediately leap to mind), but others just have difficulty feeling as though they could have been recorded yesterday or twenty-five years ago. Michael Jackson's seventh album, Bad, falls squarely into...

Saturday, 06 October 2012

Looking back, there's no question that a lot of hands helped punk and hardcore achieve the stature they enjoy today. True, Patti Smith released the first punk record in 1974 (the “Piss Factory” single) and, yes, The Ramones both set and leveled the foundation on which virtually every band who has even considered calling itself a punk group has played. Granted, Black Flag gets a lot of credit for breaking the ground and settling many of the paths punk would...

Friday, 05 October 2012

As gloriously sloppy as so much of the music in rock history has been known to be, sometimes it just feels good to know that all the explosions of raw, unfiltered passion are tempered by some well-plotted and carefully constructed sound creations. Some bands just want to rock a perfect sound forever – and that is precisely what California Wives was intent on offering with their major label debut, Art History. “This was our first big opportunity to flesh out...

Tuesday, 02 October 2012

”people, I wanna bring my third opera "hyphenated-man" around the u.s. again cuz there's some towns I missed last time… we promise to play our our brains out!" So begins and ends Mike Watt's announcement that he and his Missingmen are going on tour, grammatical mistake and all. This is good news; the part about them being on tour. I've been doing band interviews on and off since 2008, without any qualifications. I'm happy to announce that now, Four years...

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Hey youse, Awright junky, so how's tricks? Ya free-wheelin' an' rhymin' an' stealin' ta yer heart's content, or are ya gettin' a bit itchy? I feel ya, no question; I ben lootin' everything that ain't nailed down fer you, anna numbas jus' keep gettin' betta! I'm layin' my dirty little fingas on more an' more stuff, ana quality is gettin' batta. Like dis week, I foun' a new song by dat band Dum Dum Girls – I guess ol' fi'...

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Awrightchouse, Awright junky, so how's tricks? Ya free-wheelin' an' rhymin' an' stealin' ta yer heart's content, or are ya gettin' a bit itchy? I feel ya, no question; I ben lootin' everything that ain't nailed down fer you, anna numbas jus' keep gettin' betta! I'm layin' my dirty little fingas on more an' more stuff, ana quality is gettin' batta. Like dis week, I foun' a new song by dat band Dum Dum Girls – I guess ol' fi' dollar...

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Some of the best moments are those when it's possible to listen to a new record and get a sense of discovery from it. Sometimes, the urge to shou “Eureka!” is just overpowering because, you finally get it; other people had already been singing this band's praises, but you just never saw the thrill in it that they were getting – until a new release strikes that chord which resonates so well within you that it shakes you right down...

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

It seems like Anthrax has been out in on the road in support of their latest (and quite possibly their finest) release, Worship Music, for well over a year now but, judging from their sold out show at the Ace of Spades in Sacramento earlier this month, the band shows no signs of becoming road weary. Kicking off the second leg of their North American Tour with fellow thrash icons Death Angel and Testament supporting them once again, Anthrax tore...

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Remember back between the years 1997 and 2002 – after Alice In Chains went on hiatus but before Layne Staley died, when a bunch of bands including Staind, Godsmack, Days Of The New, Creed and a whole platoon of other soundalike bands rushed in to try and fill the void that band left? Pretty consistently, the first thing each of them did was down-tune their acoustic guitars to try and replicate the cathartic sound that AIC acheived on Jar Of...

Tuesday, 25 September 2012