
Remember when punk rock didn't need to have a social message or studious comment in it to be great, it just needed to be loud, fast and either about a girl or about getting in trouble? That was great, that was fun and, if you grew up in Canada in the late Nineties, that was Chixdiggit all over. Other than being one of the first Canadian punk bands of their era to get widespread American attention (Chixdiggit's first album came...

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Is it my lack of knowledge on the Flaming Lips or has the band's style changed a lot since Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots? Perhaps it's because, again, I'm arriving at The Terror so late to the game and my musical life right now consists mostly of catching up to the old stuff I never got around to when the albums were first released and the flurries of excitement were thicker. In the spirit of catching up, here we have...

Saturday, 10 August 2013

It's hard to easily define what Washed Out's third album, Paracosm, is. On one hand, there are moments on the record which very closely resemble the spacey, campy, dopey folk that the Flaming Lips have been known to indulge in, but it's noticeably more faceless and boring. On the other hand, the album has moments of hypnotic and spacey easy listening which sound as though they could have been pulled right out of the 1970s and must be timeless because...

Saturday, 10 August 2013

It was a long time in coming, but now it's official: Florida's Less Than Jake are back on Fat Wreck Chords. Following the 2012 reissue of the Fat classic Borders & Boundaries and the subsequent EP collection Greetings & Salutations, it only made sense to bring LTJ back into the Fat folds for real. On November 12th, we'll release their brand new full length entitled See the Light. This is the band’s first proper full length containing brand new material in over...

Friday, 09 August 2013

Hey Junky, Haya doin'ere ya reprobates? Afta da las' time I came callin' I decided ta make ya wait an' sweat a bit fer yer nex' bag o' SWAG, 'cause I wanted ta see if yu'd miss me – but I think I've made ya wait long enough now – don'chu? It helps'at I gotta great big bag o' what'll soothe yer bones too! Awright, dis week I got all kindsa goodness. Fer youse what like yer religiously tempered stuff,...

Friday, 09 August 2013

Those who followed Soundgarden during the band's glory days in the 1990s may remember that, as moody as the band's members were given to being, bassist Ben Shepherd was the darkest, quietest and most perfectly removed man in the group. True, the band made lots of newsprint together, but think about it – how often did anyone read a quote from the bassist? He was almost always painted as “the quiet one.” The same was true when Shepherd appeared in...

Thursday, 08 August 2013

Oh boy, here's a big one. It's funny writing this review, because I was completely oblivious to the anticipation surrounding Daft Punk's Random Access Memories and picked it up with a lot of hesitation. 

I have said this before (and love repeating it), but punk rock is mostly my forte so I was quite surprised to find myself enjoying this album. So, looking at Random Access Memories, what do we have? 

I can't help but think of the Spits when...

Tuesday, 06 August 2013

While the business might often seem like an exercise in organized chaos, in fact there is often some very rigid methodology as well as a few time-honored conventions set deep within the madness of the music industry which all help to make it run smoothly and be exciting to watch. One of the oldest and most universally followed traditions revolves around what is known as (in industry parlance) the 'album cycle.' The concept of an album cycle is so simple...

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Just as the Mountain Goats and Patrick Watson did before them, Hey Marseilles have emerged wearing their theatrical persona front and center on Lines We Trace – the band's sophomore album. This time, the elements of theater and drama which were only just implied on the band's debut album are pressed to the forefront of their sound proudly for all to see from the moment “Tides” introduces the album and runs unchecked until “Demain” closes it. This time, singer Matt...

Monday, 29 July 2013

The problem with rock n' roll and the new bans and records which have come along over the last few years is that it has all attempted to diversify so much that a lot of it has just ended up becoming static in the process. Everyone seems to want to really stand apart from the pack and the first way to do so has been to add some oddball extra sound which just sits awkwardly in the mix. That so...

Monday, 29 July 2013