OSEES live @ The Royale, BOSTON, MA [10-23-24]

OSEES live @ The Royale, BOSTON, MA [10-23-24]

Thursday, 24 October 2024

OSEES have no right being as good as they are. They’re simply remarkable. They put out an album a year (sometimes more). There are certainly hits and misses among them, but I’d gladly play the “worst” OSEES album instead of 99% of music that gets put out nowadays. They have done nothing but gain momentum over the years and still (STILL!) show no signs of stopping. They are doing it for themselves and don’t care who comes along. They’re even trying to put people off their scent by constantly changing their name. Ballsy move. As if that weren’t enough, they are simply a powerhouse live.

It took me many shows to understand what makes an OSEES show so great, and of course it’s a mix of things. First of all, the band is good at that they do and have an undeniable chemistry. They play their instruments so well that it seems like drums, guitars, keyboards, and bass are simply appendages for the bandmembers. It’s like reaching for a glass of water. These guys are pros and they do this all day every day, and it shows. If anyone can make live shows look easy, it’s the OSEES. I understand that John Dwyer’s band has gone through many iterations, but this current lineup is maybe the best band in rock music right now. And I think I finally understand why Dwyer chooses to put two drummers front and center. Because he needs something to match his energy. Dwyer not only plays guitar, but he plays WITH his guitar: biting, straddling it, and using it as a prop. Finally, the crowd to every single OSEES show I’ve been to feeds off the energy on stage and throws it right back. There’s jumping, pogo-ing, moshing, crowdsurfing, and just general ruckus through the entire show. It’s perpetual motion.

Setlists at OSEES shows are basically meaningless. Their albums are just excuses to go out and play. These guys live for the live shows and it shows. Their musical output is so large that you have to be a megafan to recognize all the songs. It’s best to just get reacquainted with their music in a live setting. That being said, the band is out promoting their new album SORCS 80 and performed NO SONGS from it. Ballsy moves.

OSEES are a force and undeniably one of the best live bands currently. Hell, I’ll just say it, they’re THE BEST LIVE BAND PLAYING RIGHT NOW. Go see them, you dummy.

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