Oliver Future

Oliver Future

Monday, 30 October 2006

Band member name answering:

Noah Lit

What you do in band:

Load the van and sing.

1. Boring starter question: How did you guys meet?

Internet chatrooms: gardeners.com, knittingcircle.net and vigilanties.gov.

2. Follow up boring question: How did you pick the name Oliver Future?

My great-grandfather was an entertainer in the famous Russian postwar scene with a band called Oliver and the Future of Workers of the World. He died in a bizarre ballet accident but the name lives on.

3. What has been the most exciting thing that has happened for the band thus far?

Besides this interview? We played Austin City Limits Festival last summer and got to drink free drinks with rock stars and play a huge stage while it was 108 degrees. Seriously, 108. Hottest day ever in September in Austin. We’re also very excited about the record we are making now with Adam Lasus.

4. What are you looking forward to?

Releasing said record and doing some touring. LA is OK, but we’re kinda missing traveling.

5. Recommend one band you think readers should know about and why (and we hate to say it, but you cannot say your own…):

Santo and Johnny. They did “Sleepwalk” – no, it was not Richie Valens, as the movie La Bamba sort of suggests!

6. If you weren’t a musician, what would you do?

Be stable and happy.

7. What’s your favorite venue to play and why?

Wow, tough question. We really like Stubbs in Austin. Great people and great BBQ for half off if you are playing. The Viper Room has been great to us in LA…

8. Were you listening to any particular albums or other artists while recording?

Hmmmmm… This new record has been a weird combo of Wilco and Al Green. We’re trying to fuse 70s funk with 60s rock and 2006 paranoia. I think it is kinda working. It all came together when one day on the way to the studio we heard “Twist and Shout” by the Beatles then “Easy Like Sunday Morning” by the Commodores. That kinda summed it up. Somewhere between those two with just a pinch of being down and out in LA, a dash of still being pissed off at the government for the state of things and just a taste of Samba.

9. Is there any particular theme you see come up in your lyrics?

Samurais and lots of them. We’ve been on a steady diet of Samurai movies and literature. It is basic escapism and romantic notions about the past but I think most of the songs can be traced to honor and duty to your Shogun.

10. Describe your sound in five words or less:

I love Fluckiest.


Indie, Samurai, Appetite for Destruction.

Thanks Noah, we love Fluckiest too…and then we love Flukiest! But we might love Appetite for Destruction more. (The last statement was dedicated to the memory of pre-corn row Axl Rose.)

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