Oasis and U2 to Be Separated During Recess

Oasis and U2 to Be Separated During Recess

Wednesday, 25 October 2006

One of the most compelling reasons to nominate Oasis for anything is that they might start some kind of witty-barbed brawl with a competitor. At last year’s Q Magazine awards Liam Gallagher called Chris Martin a “plant pot” and invited him to “have a pop” after the Coldplay frontman thanked Oasis for being such a huge influence on Coldplay’s music. This year, both Oasis and U2 are up for the “Best Act in the World Today” award (gotta love that unapologetic hyperbole) and organizers are reportedly plotting to keep the bands as far away from each other as possible lest some sort of drama develop. We say: Q don’t do it! Snarky Gallagher commentary is way more interesting than another speech in which polite rockers thank their producer or God.

Thanks to Tom whose comment tipped us off to this brewing drama.



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