
Moving Units Return with ‘Hexes for Exes,’ Announce Tour Dates

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

I was in Barney’s Co-Op not too long ago looking for some dope sale items and found myself dancing a little bit to the music playing in the store. I couldn’t place it for some reason and it was bothering the crap out of me. I hate doing this, but I didn’t have a choice, “Hey man, who is this?” I said to a worker while pointing to the ceiling. He said, “I think it’s Moving Units.” After a quick verification with a co-worker, it was, in fact, L.A.’s Moving Units.

I must’ve slept on that record—Dangerous Dreams—for whatever reason, and it got me thinking when a new Moving Units record would be released. Well, it looks like while I was pondering this thought, they were putting the finishing touches on a new LP entitled Hexes for Exes due out October 9, 2007. The core of the band (Blake Miller – Guitar/Vox, Johan Boegli – Bass, and Chris Hathwell – Drums) added a fourth member, Victor Velazquez (Guitar), to help expand their sound to include anything that felt right including electronic drums and synthesizers, the album evolved into a haunting journey late into the night.

In Addition, the band has been hand-picked to open for Smashing Pumpkins at San Francisco’s Fillmore Auditorium on Wednesday July 25.

The Fillmore – San Francisco, CA – Wednesday July 25 * Supporting Smashing Pumpkins
House of Blues – Anaheim, CA – Friday August 10
House of Blues – Anaheim, CA – Saturday August 11
Popscene – San Francisco, CA – Thursday October 4

More on Moving Units:

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