METZ live @ Crystal Ballroom, Somerville, MA [04-17-24]

METZ live @ Crystal Ballroom, Somerville, MA [04-17-24]

Thursday, 18 April 2024

METZ are a reckoning band for me. Their music sounds endlessly complex and simple at the same time. I know I like them (more than like them, actually), but their music just doesn’t stick once I turn it off. Really, the only time that has happened to me with their music is with A Boat to Drown in. I love that song, and it’s safely stored in my memory bank. It’s what I think of when I think of METZ. They’re just a very cool sounding, and very cool looking, band. That makes sense when you have an arts degree major as a member. METZ are hot noise, power trio, fuzzy punk rock.

There’s no way in hell a band like this doesn’t make a hell of a lot of noise live, so I wasn’t going to miss them. They’re a bucket list band for me, and shows at the Crystal Ballroom are a no brainer. It seems like late shows are back in fashion, so I had the great pleasure of catching the opening act Gouge Away. That’s a Pixies reference, right? Well, they don’t sound like the Pixies. They sound like METZ with a female singer. Sorry, that distinction is faux pas, but I mean it as a compliment. Those are two great things! My takeaway from the Gouge Away set is that I need to check them out immediately.

But, on to METZ, who took the stage at 10:05. What I was expecting from these seasoned pros (you don’t play your instruments like these guys do without professionalism) is masterful execution of their songs. And, that’s exactly what I got. The trick with a band like METZ for me, is to play their latest album constantly to have it fresh on the brain for when I see them live. The kind of energy this band brings to their live performance is simply undeniable. If you thought their songs were loud and imposing, imagine them being pounded real time into their instruments. METZ songs aren’t simple (wait, are they?), and seeing such perfect execution of guitars with machine-like drums and a bass backbone really brings what this band is doing to another level. How does a band execute this expertly live? Fucking pros, that’s how!

I can’t wait to dig into their back catalog again to see what I missed the first time. I think I love METZ now. Definitely check them out live. Their tour has just started!

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