
Marc Romboy – [Album]

Saturday, 11 April 2009

It could be the international side of my blood, but I feel an instant connection to men with facial hair. Weird, I know. Yet still I will announce it for the reason that you all must know that rocking a stylistic facial hair design that Marc Romboy is often seen touting is quite a task to take care of. Respect Marc. Respect.

Marc has been in the music scene for over a decade, bringing us music from Monchengladbach, Germany. Over his time in the industry, Marc elevated many record labels with his ability to develop music that causes an average person repetitious-turret-style head movements. Eventually Marc made the move to elevate his work to his very own label, Systematic. Here we walk through his latest album on the label, Systematic Colours Volume Two – Mixed By Marc Romboy.

The beginning of the album is a heavy beat, misplaced hi-hat and mid-tones all spaced out to jar you from whatever and wherever you came from to start you off fresh. You may question yourself after a moment, but when the thought crosses your mind, the vocals of the track, “Helen Cornell (Stefan Goldmann Macro Version),” bring you right back to the album. The track vibe and individual sounds and tones increase to give you the feeling of a fresh vibe disconnected from what you normally may listen to. The vocals of this track set a very dark undertone, completely connected to the musical roots of where Marc started. In comparison, the birth of sound in this track is eye opening in the same way as a child coming into this world. It will seem confusing to most, but as the album grows, listening to it through, the understanding of why it is here is obvious.

“3 a.m.” follows the first track with a perfectly euphoric sound that is equivalent to being out at three in the morning. Sure, you’re having a great time, but you’re just ready to head home. The peaceful sounds of the track continue through this track slightly picking up the pace from the previous track, which we see continuously to happen throughout the album.
“Taking Shape (Version 2)” seems to be on a lighter side of the album, with happy electric keyboard tones that don’t disrupt the album, which was infused from the previous track and welded into “Taking Shape” like the look of stacked nickels. The changes midway through this track and they way it is done through most of the album is a classic style that Marc brings to the table, completely brining each track together seamlessly.

Upon arriving at “The Club (Version 1),” the energy level of the album is raised once again to a groovy mix of the darkness that this album exudes. The international feel of the album is personified through every track, and is definitely very audibly visible upon listening. The beat of the album also has a tendency to speed up with the elevation of the tracks on a parallel level. This track in comparison to the beginning is almost as departed as something that might be found on another Marc album.

The complete album as a whole is the only true way to listen to it. From end to end it is a flawless delivery of the wax and wane of the human life personified through music. The travels one makes listening to this album is almost equal being the angel on someone’s shoulder from their beginning to end. No matter where I am when I have this album on, mentally I’m in my home with a large glass of wine sprawled out on a sofa without a care in the world. It’s my hope that you can depart with this album the same way I do.


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