James Figurine

James Figurine

Saturday, 04 November 2006

The only bummer about this record is having to type the word “Mistake” four times in a row when you want to reference the title, otherwise this electropop disc is a lighthearted bit of magic. It’s the kind of album that lures you in with its whimsical songs then you check the notes and see collaborators like John Tejada, Jenny Lewis and artist Geoffrey McFettridge Then you read a little further and go, “Oh, it’s Jimmy Tamborello…” who most people love for his work in The Postal Service—and a lot of us Angelenos love for his work in Dntel.

The songs aren’t over thought or too sappy lyrically (as is often the case with indie pop these days), instead they weave a pretty solid balance between being poignant and allowing for pretty of interesting instrumental breaks and juicy synth bass lines. Tamborello can more than hold his own on his own and Mistake is a brilliant example of that.

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