Introducing: New writer –  Suvi ‘Kummituskatti’ Jyrinki

Introducing: New writer – Suvi ‘Kummituskatti’ Jyrinki

Thursday, 07 January 2016
New @ GCM

Suvi Jyrinki

If you are a long time reader of Ground Control Magazine, you may be noticing some changes around here recently. The major change is a new design for the website. The original design of the site was envisioned over 8 years ago and there have been absolutely no changes in all that time up until now. We’re trying to give the site a more modern look with up-t0-date features to help us function more like the other hip music blogs around the world. There is a lot of work going on behind the scenes, so hang in there while we iron out the kinks.

Another thing you may have noticed is that our writing staff has dwindled in size over the past couple of years. With changing interests in people’s lives, it’s hard to find and keep writers that feel life long dedication to writing about music. So we’d like to announce right now that if you are interested in writing about music, and you don’t have another music blog that you are dedicated to, drop us a line and tell us about yourself and what your interest in music is and we’ll give you a chance to try out writing for us! (Another change the site is going to have is allowing reviews of things other than just music. If you are interested in film or books, we’re going to be doing media reviews of a wider variety now.)

That is how we found the first new writer that we’d like to introduce to you. She is 35 years old and lives in Finland. Her name is Suvi ‘Kummituskatti’ Jyrinki and she listens to a lot of music. Here, let’s listen to her describe herself…

“My life has always been more or less isolated and music has been my most faithful friend.  When all the people I’ve had in my life have gone, music has remained. It comforts, gives me inspiration and sometimes it offers some kind of shelter.

I listen to music a lot. I mean, REALLY a lot. Mostly it´s something between rock, punk, post punk, metal… Among that there´s some stuff that could be called guilty pleasures, like movie soundtracks, classic pop songs from the ´80s or simply something I used to like when I was a teenager. As I´m growing older, I have preferred more older music or at least older bands. Biggest favorites of mine have happened to be British, for a reason or another. However, I rarely attend live gigs these days. A festival called ’Sideways’ in Helsinki last summer must have been my most recent.

I have also played music a little bit myself. In old days my instrument was piano, but a year ago I started playing guitar. I´ve never tried to write my own songs and if I did, they´d probably be instrumentals, because I do not sing! …and that must be a result of school days (and self-censorship).” Suvi is also an artist and you can view some of her artistic works on DeviantArt



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