
Gittler: The New Frontier

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Remember when you were a kid and first started really liking the idea of getting inventive, readers? It was a really cool time – we'd sit down with a pencil and paper and make some of the most outrageous ideas come to life on paper. It was an exercise in imagination; it really didn't matter if we never actually made any of those things we dreamt up (like a flying car or a turntable which read records with a beam of light instead of a needle), it was just cool and fun to think that maybe they were possible and it would be cool to see something like them one day. It has been really cool to see some of them come to life (okay, a turntable which reads records with a beam of light instead of a needle is called a CD player), but the most remarkable possibility might just be the new Gittler guitar, which is currently trying to find funding through Kickstarter.

Luthier Allan Gittler first began making his revolutionary instruments from the mid-Seventies through the early Eighties but, other than getting one into the hands of Police guitarist Andy Summers for the “Synchronicity II” video, the guitars remained the private pleasure of a very select few and were largely unseen.

Sadly, Allan Gittler passed away in 2003 but Jonathan, his son and heir, is a partner in a new endeavor which would like to revitalize Gittler guitars and put them back at the forefront of experimental music. The new Gittler mission statement reads clearly and eloquently in what they hope to accomplish: “The goal was to take every aspect of [the guitar] and offer some degree of improvement so that, when we were all done, we could look on our work and marvel at it's technical prowess. Its beauty would be without measure but we wanted a guitar that wouldn't stop at just turning heads.

“We wanted to achieve the supreme expression of our engineering abilities and make something that guitarists would be excited to utilize as their primary axe.”

The design is sound and the new Gittler guitar's appearance at this year's NAMM conference caused quite a stir of excitement, and now the company is looking to those who crave the chance to experiment with new sonic possibilities to help them fund a new line of instruments. The company has launched a new Kickstarter campaign offering some really excellent rewards to contributors including the chance to own some of the first new instruments to roll off the proverbial line, and that's just the beginning. Other prizes include the chance to own one for the first Gittler basses ever manufactured as well as the chance for one lucky bidder to showcase his or her talent by becoming the face and sound of Gittler and appearing in advertisements for the company. There are many other prizes to bid on; check out Gittler's Kickstarter campaign here to learn more.



Gittler Guitars' Kickstarter campaign is already in progress. Click here to learn more.

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