Die Spitz Live @ O’Brien’s Pub, Allston, MA [08-06-24]

Die Spitz Live @ O’Brien’s Pub, Allston, MA [08-06-24]

Tuesday, 06 August 2024

Seeing a good opener can be a cathartic experience. Sometimes it’s interesting, and you check them out when you go home, but most of the time it’s forgettable. I can count on one hand when an opener has blown me away, and I don’t even need all my fingers.

When I caught the last few songs of Die Spitz at an OFF! show years ago all I could think of is how loud it sounded. Then, watching them put their gear away I was intrigued by how these people could put on such a rowdy show. After checking them out, it was kind of a no brainer that their album Teeth is something that should be in my rotation. This band was was getting a lot of buzz and we made sure you weren’t missing out. It was #2 of our best-of-2023 list, ONLY BECAUSE IT WAS SO SHORT. But Teeth is a great album and Die Spitz are clearly a great live band. I wanted to catch them live the next time they came to town but I was in the hospital when that happened. Go figure. Also, they were opening for Amyl and the Sniffers: a band whose shtick is wearing thin.

But a headlining tour at a tiny stinky club on a weekday? This is my kind of show. Die Spitz are goofballs with playing chops. We heard all the songs from the new EP, which rocked hard live, and my favorites from Teeth which rocked even harder. All the Die Spitz antics were on display on this night, with singer Ellie Livingston spraying herself with perfume while climbing whatever structure this space would allow. It would have to be the bar at this… bar. The set was a mere 45 minutes but could easily have been an hour. No encores and no covers. Just straight to the point.

Time will tell what will happen to Die Spitz. They will either blow up or implode from the Tetsuo-esque acquisition of power. Either way, something is gonna get broken. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

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