
Danzig to Release 2-CD Album of Lost Tracks on May 29

Tuesday, 03 April 2007

As my buddy said in a reply to this news, “Now there’s a welcome piece of news that made my year. Now we can relive the summer of 92 with two new Danzig albums. Let’s find an outdoor weightroom we can heckle people from.” It’s true, those days included a lot of Danzig and working out for our football summer camp.

So, if you’re at all like us, you will be happy to hear that on May 29th, evilive will release The Lost Tracks of Danzig, a two-CD set comprised of 26 previously unreleased tracks that span Danzig's entire career. All of the tracks were recorded during the band's seven-album "arc" that began with 1988's "Danzig."

Mr. Danzig even has some words on the subject, saying, "Whenever I've made a new album, I've recorded more songs than were needed for the final CD," said Glenn Danzig. "The songs that make it onto the final album 'fit' or 'flow' together as a whole. Consequently, some tremendous Danzig songs have never been released, not because they weren't great, but because they didn't fit the overall vibe of the particular album, or for other reasons."

The 26 songs on The Lost Tracks of Danzig are presented in chronological order; the first two cuts are "Pain Like an Animal" and "When Death Had No Name," both songs that have their roots in late Samhain but evolved into two of the very first Danzig tracks and intended for the band's self-titled debut. Fans will also find a song entitled "Angels of the Seventh Dawn," originally recorded for the 1990 album "Danzig II: Lucifuge," "Crawl Across Your Killing Floor," considered for "Danzig 6: Satan's Child," and the controversial "White Devil Rise," which was recorded for 1994's "Danzig 4p" and is Glenn's conjecture as to what would happen if Louis Farrakhan incited the passive white race to rise up against and start a race war with the Black Islamic movement.

Danzig also liked to include cover songs on his albums so The Lost Tracks will feature T-Rex's "Buick McKane" (1992's "Danzig III: How The Gods Kill"), David Bowie's "Cat People" ("Danzig 7"), and "Caught In My Eye" by The Germs ("Danzig 6"). One of the CD's true treasures is a sparse acoustic version of "Come to Silver," a song that Glenn originally wrote for Johnny Cash (who reportedly loved it), then recorded it (with Jerry Cantrell on guitar) for 1996's "Danzig 5: Blackacidevil."

The complete track listing for The Lost Tracks of Danzig is as follows:

Pain Is Like An Animal
When Death Had No Name
Angel of the Seventh Dawn
You Should be Dying
Cold, Cold Rain
Buick McKane
When Death Had No Name
Satans Crucifiction
The Mandrake's Cry
White Devil Rise
Come to Silver (Acoustic)

Lick the Blood Off My Hands
Crawl Across Your Killing Floor
I Know Your Lie
Caught In My Eye
Cat People
Bound by Blood
Who Claims the Soulless
Soul Eater
Dying Seraph
Lady Lucifera
Under Belly of the Beast
Unspeakable Shango Mix

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