Dan Telfer – [Album]

Dan Telfer – [Album]

Tuesday, 03 May 2016

Dan Telfer
Ocean of Panic
(A Special Thing Records)

Let’s make this quick so that I don’t waste your time. I’m going to thank Dan Telfer for making an important standup comedy record. It’s an important album because it nails down exactly what annoys me about some alternative standup comedy today: ridiculous paranoia, superficial fears, and obvious exaggerations because these stories are actually not that entertaining or in depth. Think that shouting words don’t necessarily make them a punchline? Telfer clearly disagrees. Yes, very little in Ocean of Panic is smart.

These terrible ingredients are easy enough to recognize, but Ocean of Panic’s finished dish is a bland one served by a comedian who believes he has some secret in-depth understanding of how to prepare an interesting course — however, he comes off like a thoughtless idiot here. Ocean of Panic helped me pinpoint that as a new concept in terrible standup and I’m thankful for it. I’m a slow learner so I guess it took a vinyl platter chock full of these expired victuals for me to realize it. What Ocean of Panic really excels at illustrating is Dan Telfer’s uncanny ability to fit so many of these mediocrities into one album-sized serving. [Ollie Ottoman]


Ocean of Panic is out now. Buy it here on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Ocean-Panic-Dan-Telfer/dp/B014KEPIMQ?ie=UTF8&keywords=Dan%20Telfer%20-%20Ocean%20of%20Panic&qid=1462289340&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1

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