
Dallas Smith – [Album]

Tuesday, 05 June 2012

I’m a radio girl in my car. Not by choice, it just seems that things like rent, food and gas have a higher level of importance than something like an iPod which I’ve never had the pleasure of owning. I got my used car almost two years ago now and thought I’d keep my kids quiet by inserting a kids CD into the player; to my dismay, it got stuck. For the same reason I don’t own an iPod, I also have not had my CD player replaced. As such, my choices for music are between “Squishy, Squashy, Big Red Balls” or the radio. I typically choose the latter. I’m not totally disappointed by this circumstance; I love morning radio shows and a few of the local afternoon drives. I’m a radio scanner and I can get along with almost any kind of music. I will flip from Rock and Metal to Top 40 to Country. I’ve got a bit of a soft spot for country although I don’t listen often; my parents always listened to it and I have my favorites so when I landed on KIX last week I didn’t have a hard time drumming on the steering wheel to some upbeat country tunes.

I’m also a sucker for radio interviews so when it slipped into an interview with Dallas Smith I was intrigued – I was always a closet Default fan. The Dallas Smith interview caught my attention right away because I love hearing about the journeys of musicians, and it seemed as though it was always in the Canadian singer’s blood to play country music. When the chance to review his album came up, I jumped right on it. I wanted to hear more. Smith’s first single, “Somebody Somewhere,” maintains an upbeat quality while exposing the story of a man who admits he messed up and lost the girl. It continues to rise on the Canadian Country Music charts.

As soon as I got the full album I cranked up the volume for full effect and I was delighted. It’s definitely Country music – twang and all; but I was pleased to gather the tone of the album as happy, positive and uplifting. My heart was warmed listening and I could relate to every song in a reflective and humble way. “Shotgun” is an amusing tune poking fun at a girl who asked for some time apart while “What Kinda Love” is a 'bare all emotion,' cheerful love song. Each song on this album has the substance to stand alone as a single; which makes it refreshing to enjoy as a whole album.

In my opinion Dallas Smith was meant to sing Country music and I’m glad he finally followed his heart. I can’t wait to see what else he has in store, and I’m keeping a close eye on his tour dates to see when he will be close.



Jumped Right In
is available now as a Canadian import on Universal Music. Buy it here on Amazon .

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