Cold War Kids Do Bi-Coastal Residencies in January

Cold War Kids Do Bi-Coastal Residencies in January

Tuesday, 21 November 2006

Buzz darlings the Cold War Kids have taken it upon themselves to gain ridiculous amounts of frequent flyer miles in the month of January by booking themselves at weekly residencies on both coasts. Wednesday nights are in NYC, and Fridays in LA. Thursdays are for mainlining Nyquil and watching The Office. Go Team Karen!

Dates are as follows:

1/05 (FRI) – Open Bookstore, LA
1/10 (WED) – Pianos, NYC
1/12 ( FRI) – Silverlake Lounge, LA
1/17 (WED) – Union Hall, Brooklyn, NY
1/19 (FRI) Silverlake Lounge, LA
1/24 ( WED) Mercury Lounge – NYC
1/26 (FRI) – Spaceland, LA

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