Ground Control’s Back to School Guide 2016

Hey there, dear readers! We’re back once again another Back to School guide in what has certainly become a tradition. A two-year old tradition, but a tradition nonetheless! With the school year fast approaching there are oh-so many things you’re going to need to make your life easier or just make your dorm room a cool place for you to live. Well, we’ve got you covered. In this guide you’ll see some familiar products and some brand new ones. Whatever...

Tuesday, 02 August 2016
Fear and Loathing and Punk Rock Bowling

I’m at the lobby of a hotel waiting in line to speak to someone at the front desk. It’s brunch time and surprisingly not that busy, but nonetheless there is a lady ahead of me taking her time. I don’t mind — I’m on vacation and so is she. I just want to know why the wifi isn’t working. The lady ahead of me is inquiring about what shows are going on in the area. She’s holding a pamphlet going...

Tuesday, 12 July 2016
The Aging Punk Remembers David Bowie

How do I even begin to write about David Bowie, who I have claimed as my favorite musician for forty years now? It’s not that I lack things to discuss, it’s that there are too many of them. Do I talk about my favorite albums, the shows I saw, how he connects to most of the music I listen to? Or do I try to write about his genius, all the great music he created? But which great music? Again,...

Sunday, 17 January 2016
This Was The Year in Music – The Best of 2015

Regardless of how one attempts to say it, words can not express how over-the-top and musically BUSY 2015 was. Every genre of music seemed to experience a year zero; metal bands (and the labels who historically released their music) bravely began reaching out for sounds which hadn’t historically been part of the genre’s repertoire, for example, and artists of other genres could be found developing new, peanut-butter-and-cucumber combinations too. That meant it was either a really exciting time to be...

Friday, 08 January 2016
U2 – Song For Someone – 360 degree video version

 U2 have created a unique music video experience utilizing 360 degree video technology. Harking back to memories of the band’s Rattle and Hum days when they “sang with locals,” this video brings entirely new meaning to “home video” recording and sharing. Song for Someone – 360 Version (follow this link to see the “click and drag” version on U2’s Facebook page) ‘There is a light, don’t let it go out…’ Without leaving their homes, singers around the world...

Thursday, 07 January 2016
2015 Holiday Gift Guide Part Two

ARTIST: 2015 Holiday Gift Guide Part Two All the most marvellous gift ideas that Ground Control’s favorite Santa’s helper Ollie Mikse could imagine. DATE: 12-11-15 WRITER: Ollie Ottoman Now Playing: ‘Everything’s Gonna Be Cool This Christmas’ by the Eels Hello there!?? It’s the holiday season and time to completely buy into the capitalist society we pretend not to live in. While Bill Adams will keep you covered with the music related-items we think will tickle your gift-giving fancy this year,...

Friday, 11 December 2015
2015 Holiday Gift Guide Part One

The holidays are a fantastic time of year aren’t they? They’re the time when all the nonsense which may have congested personal relationships is put aside, and everyone seeks to be with those closest to them. They exchange gifts and it’s wonderful. If you’re like me though reader, you have a habit of over-thinking those gifts. Eventually, you find yourself wandering through the mall in a daze; you know you care for the people on your list, but have no...

Thursday, 10 December 2015
Ground Control’s Back To School Guide (Part Two)

ARTIST: Ground Control’s Back To School Guide (Part Two) Time is growing short, here is Ground Control’s last cram for the stuff you might need to make life livable after you go back to school. DATE: 08-22-15 WRITER: Ollie Ottoman   Mininch Toolpen If you can see a certain trend in our back to school guide, it’s that practical and space saving are incredibly important to us. Living in a dorm can be the most fulfilling experience of your life,...

Saturday, 22 August 2015
Ground Control’s Back To School Guide (Part One)

ARTIST: Ground Control’s Back To School Guide (Part One) Is it almost that time already? Sure is! You’re bound for institutions of higher learning, but Ground Control studied up and has Cliff’s Notes on what you might need after you get there. DATE: 08-10-15 WRITER: Ollie Ottoman Welcome to our first ever Back to School guide! Ground Control isn’t just about telling you what cool music, shows, comics and movies you should be checking out, it’s also what cool gear...

Monday, 10 August 2015
The Folk Implosion – [Discography Review]

As contrary to the basic mindset of music journalism as it might seem (most critics like to see themselves as taste-makers with an ear for a hit, a finger on the public’s cultural pulse and a keen eye which recognizes emerging future trends), sometimes there’s just no way to explain how or why a band succeeds or fails to break through and become a cultural icon. It could be argued that it just boils down to dumb luck; sometimes a...

Saturday, 29 March 2014