TITLE: Vinyl Vlog 101 A deeper look at the grooves pressed into the 2015 vinyl reissue of Shootenanny! by the Eels. DATE: 11-18-15 WRITER: Bill Adams After Souljacker was released, nothing was ever quite the same again for the Eels. Part of it must have felt fantastic because the band really thrived; it was as though Souljacker blew open a floodgate which spontaneously made new sounds, experiments with different moods, vibes and ideas fair game to explore. Liberated, Mark Everett...
TITLE: Vinyl Vlog 099 A deeper look at the grooves pressed into the 2015 vinyl reissue of Daisies of The Galaxy by the Eels. DATE: 11-14-15 WRITER: Bill Adams It’s interesting to see what creative decisions and concessions get made after an album has been out for a while and a reissue option comes along. Take the vinyl reissue of the Eels’ album Daisies of The Galaxy, for example; as was explained by Mark Everett himself in his memoir, Things...
TITLE: Vinyl Vlog 098 A deeper look at the grooves pressed into the 2015 vinyl reissue of Electro-Shock Blues by the Eels. DATE: 11-14-15 WRITER: Bill Adams Now Playing: ‘Cancer For The Cure’ from the vinyl reissue of Electro-Shock Blues by the Eels It may have occurred by accident or it may have happened by design but, regardless, few alt-rock albums made in the late Nineties (a.k.a. The peak of the compact disc’s reign as the recorded music format of...
TITLE: Vinyl Vlog 097 A deeper look at the grooves pressed into B’lieve I’m Goin Down by Kurt Vile. DATE: 11-13-15 WRITER: Ollie Ottoman I don’t think that this has been a bad year for music by any means, It’s just that none of the releases I’ve been listening to have been catching my attention like they did last year. It’s strange – 2013 had the same apparent stagnation to it but, of course, that doesn’t mean 2015 hasn’t had...
TITLE: Vinyl Vlog 096 A deeper look at the grooves pressed into the 2015 vinyl reissue of Signals by Rush. DATE: 11-09-15 WRITER: Bill Adams Just one year after they began to challenge both themselves and their audience with new songwriting ideas and compositional presentations on Moving Pictures, Rush elected to ride that wave of inspiration with Signals – their ninth LP and second of a new era. Right off, there’s no question that Signals takes its lead from Moving...
TITLE: Vinyl Vlog 095 A deeper look at the grooves pressed into the 2015 vinyl reissue of Moving Pictures by Rush. DATE: 11-08-15 WRITER: Bill Adams It is often regarded as an inconvenient truth, but the fact is that it becomes increasingly difficult for a band to change or take artistic risks as they get further into their career. A lot of that difficulty may come from the band’s perceived responsibility to their fans; the people watching and listening...
TITLE: I Wanna Be Literated! 092 A critical evaluation of An Outline of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell DATE: 11-05-15 WRITER: Ollie Ottoman One of the great pleasures in reading Bertrand Russell for me is when he discusses the role of philosophy in a society where science has been the approach to finding out what is real and true in our universe. As science plays a greater role in our lives, there seems to be less space for philosophy. The other...
TITLE: Vinyl Vlog 094 A deeper look at the grooves pressed into Mingus Dynasty by Charles Mingus DATE: 11-03-15 WRITER: Ollie Ottoman I really have no business reviewing or listening to jazz records. I’m a punk – or at least I feel like one – and it’s not that I feel too good for jazz, but that I feel like jazz is too good for me. Or maybe I’m jaded and think that music needs lyrics and artists don’t need...
TITLE: The Classics 020 A deeper look at the grooves pressed into the Sony Legacy vinyl reissue of Foo Fighters’ debut album.. DATE: 11-02-15 WRITER: Bill Adams It feels strange to be discussing the twentieth anniversary of Foo Fighters’ debut album now – just months after Universal Music Enterprises celebrated the same anniversary for the release of Nirvana’s In Utero album. It seems weird because, while the original releases of those albums were only twenty-two months apart, they feel as...
TITLE: The Classics 019 A deeper look at the grooves pressed into a vinyl copy of Milo Goes To College by the Descendents. DATE: 10-24-15 WRITER: Bill Adams Fans and critics have been arguing which punk band has been the most influential for decades, but the decision has yet to be made. Claims have been made that The Clash are the most important group to punk because they made so many crossovers into the mainstream, while others that punk rock...