
Burst Transmission: Castillo Is Out, Grohl Is In. Let The Good Times Roll.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Remember a couple of months ago, when Dave Grohl announced that Foo Fighters were going to go to sleep for a little while but left no further details? Some fans got nervous; Grohl has proven to be a bit of a workaholic over the last fifteen years, lending his talents to dozens of albums, so the announcement that the singer/drummer/renaissance man was in the wind got fans wondering and worrying.

Fans shouldn't have worried in the slightest. Yes it's true that Grohl has left his main squeeze, but he has ended up back in the arms of his best fling; he's back in bed with his favorite old whores, the Queens Of The Stone Age.

According to the most recent release, drummer Joey Castillo is out of the band. He's done, he's gone – and Dave is back to spank the skins on Queens Of The Stone Age's sixth album. No name has been given, nor any concrete timeline set forth; just a photo of a mixing board that features some masking tape on it bears the names "DEAN" for keyboardist Dean Fertita, "SHOE" for bassist Michael Shuman, "JHO" for Homme (cool nickname, bro), "DAVE" for duh, and "TRIZ" for guitarist Troy Van Leeuwen. There will be a new Queens Of The Stone Age album featuring the best line-up in their history coming in 2013. That's all we know, but that's enough. Nothing bad could ever possibly come of this. The two-disc-running dark age which has held up for the last seven or eight years (a.k.a. the time which saw the releases of Lullabies To Paralyze and Era Vulgaris) has begun to break. It can't go wrong, so let the good times roll.


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