As he sits and plans out how his next six weeks are going to go, Ryan Dahle can't help but smile. Much of that time period will be spent re-examining his mid-Nineties project Limblifter and, while he takes great care to make clear that “return” is...
Do me a favor. Hit the play button you see above as you read this. It’s a necessity. Nigga. Yea I said it. I was called it by a truck full of white dudes after 9/11 so I have as strong a claim to the word as those who are a darker shade of brown than me. So if...
As he sits and plans out how his next six weeks are going to go, Ryan Dahle can't help but smile. While much of that time period will be spent re-examining his mid-Nineties project Limblifter (he takes great care to make clear that “return” is probably...
Some records are able to grab a listener's attention for the simple reason that they sound exactly nothing like anything else on new release racks at that particular moment. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but the catch is that after the album has managed...
As most people who came of age in the Seventies and Eighties can (and will) tell you, Todd Rundgren's impact on pop music is near-incalculable. Both with The Nazz and as a solo artist, Rundgren co-wrote and recorded some of the great rock standards which...
Those patently foolish idealists under the mistaken impression that great music always gets noticed by the record-buying public need to go out and find a copy of The Pink Album by the Avengers. Since its original release in 1983 (four years after the band broke up),...
Okay, all you hipsters, you need this CD. Throw a few of these cuts on your next “Party Playlist” and you can impress everyone with your appreciation of the hippest jazz and your ironic attitude towards classic rock. Or vice versa, if you prefer. Either...
I’m a radio girl in my car. Not by choice, it just seems that things like rent, food and gas have a higher level of importance than something like an iPod which I’ve never had the pleasure of owning. I got my used car almost two years ago now and thought...
The perfect irony of working in the music press is that, while it is a news-based medium, the things which get reported are rarely the newest things happening in a subject's life. In many ways, being a rock writer is as much (if not more) a pop medium as pop music...
For fear of stating the pitifully self-evident, twenty years is a long damned time. Twenty years is 7300 days. Twenty years is 175, 200 hours. Twenty years is innumerable miles spent in the back of a van on tour, a ridiculous number of cigarettes, enough broken guitar...