More than in any other music genre, there is a treacherously thin line between awe-inspiring and awful in the world of metal. That is the line which Obey The Brave straddles on their debut album, Young Blood; by turns, this record succeeds brilliantly as singer Alex...
From the moment “Blood Red Youth” eases its way in to open Art History – California Wives' debut album – some listeners will just have a flood of images come rushing at them all at once: John Hughes movie posters, sequences out of Christian...
Sometimes attempting to draw a line through music history to connect the different points which ultimately combined to present the portrait of a new record can be difficult, but that is not a problem from which anyone who hears Night Loop – the new album by...
There are just so many things that it's possible to assume about Mother Mother as one digs into their fourth album, The Sticks. Those who became familiar with the band courtesy of their delirious and hyperactive breakthrough album, 2011's Eureka, will...
Those of a certain age may remember events a little differently but, forty years after they started, it has become difficult to recall what Heart should have been known or remembered for – outside of maybe a few songs like “Crazy on You,”...
Hey Junky!How youse doin' ya bastids? Me? I'm like a box o' fluffy ducks! I tracked down a buncha chronic, habit-formin' junk since las' time I was'ere, an' I wanna lay it on ya right now. Awright so here it is. Dis week, I nabbed a buncha...
There are few things which scream “music business” – that is, the business of producing articles centered arounf a band for consumption by a base of established fans – louder than a compilation of music videos by that group. Really, who would...
"What is truth?” It's important for a review of The Boy In The Song – The True Stories Behind 50 Rock Classics to ask that question only because it also needs to ask if a convenient re-telling of established and well-documented facts coupled with...
Over the last couple of years, plenty of bands have tried to update punk rock in one way or another but the results have always ended up being pretty mixed. Part of that has to do with the fact that some of what's come out has just been too ambitious;...
Homer once said that “The charity that is a trifle to us can be precious to others.” There's no debating that wisdom but, as WhoCares' debut album proves, it is possible for a charitable effort to be recognized and appreciated by everyone too....