'Ey youse,I know whatcha thinkin', yer thinkin', “Well it's about time Donnie, we're startin' ta get the shakes 'ere! Whatcha got?” What can I say? Whenna boss is away (fi' dollar Billy went south fer a couple o' weeks),...
It's rare to catch a show at the Metro in Chicago and have room to breathe and take it all in. Which made it all the more surprising when openers The Right Now took the stage to no more then 40 people. The Chicago band, led by the boisterous Stefanie Berecz, took a...
Remember a couple of months ago, when Dave Grohl announced that Foo Fighters were going to go to sleep for a little while but left no further details? Some fans got nervous; Grohl has proven to be a bit of a workaholic over the last fifteen years, lending his talents...
I know it’s been a while since I’ve written one of these, but hopefully things are about to change. And by that I don’t think things will change at all. Witness the second edition of the Vinyl Vlog where we review both the vinyl package and the music...
Cat Power is weird, don’t you think? First of all, her music is hard to describe (Aggro-easy-listening? Minimalist-throaty-pop? Girl-band?). Second, there’s a bit of a mystery surrounding Chan Marshall a.k.a. Cat Power. Like, what’s the deal with all...
Hey Junky,Dj'ou eva notice how weird it c'n be sometimes an' somethin' jus' falls outta the sky an' into yer lap? I's weird right? That happen'a me the otha day; I w's walkin' down along Avenue B – I hadda pick up...
Over the last few years, several artists have managed to successfully resuscitate the theatrics of old vaudeville and revival productions (see The Dresden Dolls and Amanda Palmer’s solo work – to name just the biggest of big names) and actually made the...
A couple of years ago, I attended a wedding where the bridesmaids entered, dancing down the aisle, to Muse's "Resistance." "Really?" I thought. "You're already thinking your marriage is 1984?" But of course they weren't. They...
Honestly, what's a punk like me doing reviewing an album like this? Shouldn't I be reviewing the new Pig Destroyer record instead? Wait, maybe the punkest thing I could ever do would be to review a folk album. Thinking outside the box and going against the...
Remember the first time you heard Tweaker about ten or eleven years ago? It was an unusual time; the Matrix movie trilogy was setting box office records (the series hadn't become disappointing yet), Marilyn Manson was still being called “the God of...