Karl Marx once said that history is forever doomed to repeat itself – the first time as tragedy and the second time as farce. I've written those words in CD reviews before (readers are welcome to draw their own conclusions on the irony of me citing the quote...
In these Aging Punk columns, I often tell stories about musical, or music related, experiences I have had. The point is usually less to talk about myself and more to attempt to illustrate some point about how we relate to music but, sometimes, I just have a good story...
Elton John returns to basics on The Diving Board, his new CD. Most of the songs are just a trio of drums, bass and piano. It almost sounds like the Elton John of forty-plus years ago, of Honky Chateau and Tumbleweed Connection. That sense is heightened by the...
At this stage of the game (now eleven years after the death of Joe Strummer and almost thirty since the demise of The Clash), there is already no shortage of “definitive” greatest hits compilations which boast The Clash's name. The ground has been tread...
And I’ll Scratch Yours is the follow-up to Peter Gabriel’s 2010 album of cover songs, Scratch My Back. Here, most of the artists covered on that disc return the favor, playing Gabriel songs. Okay, I love cover songs. I love Peter Gabriel. I love most of...
Now nineteen years after the band began and about twelve since they started suffering from problems internally (bandmembers leaving, other bandmembers getting swelled heads), Korn has done the totally remarkable thing and bounced back. On The Paradigm Shift (the...
Iggy and the Stooges' frantic headlining set was the perfect way to punctuate the success of the inaugural C2SV Festival this past weekend and, if overall vibe at St. James Park was any indication, the festival is in for a very long and successful run. Opening...
I love it when I’m right, and by that, in this case, I mean that my own interpretation of this album was not disturbingly off track from what other reviewers have been saying. It shows that, despite my being an irregular and non-committed music reviewer,...
It may have taken forty years, but Iggy and The Stooges guitarist James Williamson is finally able to see and accept the idea that his career is an impressive entity very deserving of praise. That such a discovery has only become apparent to the guitarist now might...
It may have taken forty years, but Iggy and The Stooges guitarist James Williamson is finally able to see and accept the idea that his career is an impressive entity very deserving of praise. That such a discovery has only become apparent to the guitarist now might...