
Architecture in Helsinki w/Gang Gang Dance – [Live]

Saturday, 23 June 2007

There’s a very fine line between what’s cute and what’s overly cute. Australia’s own Architecture in Helsinki don’t tip toe in between both mediums, but place themselves as an entire entity all unto itself. They’re MEGA cute. They jump up and down fully exuberant. They wear rather colorful clothes—case in point, the safari inspired orange and yellow zebra striped shirt worn by leader Cameron Bird. And for Pete’s sake, they even have a member that has those fun typed-up dreadlocks! But with no encore whatsoever, the six members played at a proficient pace, willing to share the multitude of instruments on stage, what with everyone but the drummer touching the Roland keyboard at least once. It was just another one of the many itsy bitsy cute factors that made the night’s show a musical equivalent of a big ole’ hug.

Even if their latest full-length record Places Like This won’t reach stores until late August of this year, tracks pulled out for Tuesday night’s set were still met with much affection. A burst of buoyant colors hit the audience like a parade of fireworks onto a night sky. These newest of sounds can be most attributed to Bird’s stay in Brooklyn, NY, where tracks like set/album opener “Red Turned White,” originated. Brooklyn does an Aussie mind good as the initial pop jangles evoked a block party atmosphere, assuring the crowd that they were in for a good time.

The jam would press on, as a torrid streak of songs from their 2005 release In Case We Die was the show’s calling card, all manifesting quite beautifully. The free and easy whim of "It's 5!” was matched by the electric sing-a-long of “The Cemetery,” with both songs displaying the almost cartoon-like voice of Bird as he went from the highest of highs to the downear lowest of lows. Not to be outdone though (especially in the wardrobe department) was keyboardist Kellie Sutherland who easily won over the crowd with her adorable purple dress complete with whistle necklace. And even if this extra accessory was still used to tremendous effect, it was Sutherland’s playful singing, especially on “Wishbone,” that only stretched one’s smile even further.

From the prom ballad classic “Maybe You Can Owe Me” to the perennial AIH favorite “Do the Whirlwind” (a.k.a. the song that people call out during the middle of the set, you know, the “Freebird” type tune), tonight proved that the Aussies can do no wrong. And because it’s 2007 and all, the band can now add something new to the list: owner of the “Indie Rock Single of the Year.” It may be way too early to call “Heart It Races” that, but the bongo-accentuated almost-minimalistic tune freakified the audience, possibly even comedian Larry David, who Bird jokingly asking the crowd if the HBO funnyman was right there with them. Whether he was there or whether he wasn’t, no one could curb the cuteness from the band from down under.

Check out for more info.

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