Anthology Recordings In Newsweek

Anthology Recordings In Newsweek

Friday, 03 November 2006

Rare And Out-Of-Print Recordings Available Via Download

Its been a good first month for Anthology Recordings, not only is America’s first download-only music rarities site getting nice traffic, but last week Newsweek Magazine did a piece on the label.

Additionally, Anthology Recordings has announced two new digital only releases, which will be available for download on November 5th – Ya Ho Wha 13’s “Penetration, An Aquarian Symphony” (Experimental Psych circa 1975) and Anonymous’ “Inside The Shadow”(Psych-y Pop a la The Byrds & Jefferson Airplane). Both releases can be accessed at and downloaded as a full album or as single tracks along with the album’s original artwork. The primary home for these reissues will be the Anthology Recordings website and select titles will be available through iTunes, Emusic, Rhapsody, etc.

Future Releases will include a series of Hip Hop white label 12”s, Scientists (Australia’s Dirgy Noise/Punk legends), Sir Lord Baltimore (Proto-Metal pioneers from Brooklyn), Fifty Foot Hose (San Francisco’s Electronic/psych innovators), Dom (Mind bending German trip album from 1970), an Andy Votel curated compilation, a Stefan Kéry curated compilation (founder of Sweden’s Subliminal Sounds), Digital releases with Spain’s Vampisoul label, which will include a new Joe Bataan (Latin Soul) record, Traffic Sound (Peruvian Acid Blues Rock & Soul), Uruguay’s, Totem (Uruguayan Candombe-beat), a digital NWOBHM 7” series and much more. The site will continuously add new music.

The label was founded in January 2006 by Keith Abrahamsson, who is also A&R for NYC based Indie label Kemado Records and has signed acts like The Sword, Dungen, Lansing-Dreiden and Danava (among others) and recently put together the label’s Invaders compilation. With the demand for digital music mounting, Abrahamsson was struck by the lack of obscure titles available on high volume retailers – a wrong Anthology is determined to right by allowing fans of less-mainstream music the access they’ve been missing. Anthology will also serve and function as a regular reissue label, promoting and marketing each release.

The first set of releases, which are now available, include: Pärson Sound (seminal Swedish psych circa 1966-69), China Shop (unreleased NYC Post-Punk circa 1979), African Head Charge (Dub from Adrian Sherwood’s legendary On-U Sound label), The Suicide Commandos (Minneapolis Punk pioneers circa 77’), Moondog (unreleased Walter Schreifels Post-Hardcore project circa 1990) & Sainte Anthony’s Fyre (ultra-rare Jersey Hard Rock circa 1970) and My Solid Ground (Psych/Kraut Rock from Germany circa 1971).

Anthology Recordings is not intended to be the antidote to crate digging, but a resource for music fanatics who would otherwise not hear these rare titles. Making the music available digitally is an affordable option for both the label and the consumer.

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