
Alkaline Trio w/ American Steel, The Fashion

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Better late than never, right?

I’d explain all that’s happened in the last two weeks that has prevented me from reporting this in a timely fashion, but this isn’t a pity fest. Let’s just say it involved a forgotten notebook, 48+ hours in an airport and a Thai wedding dress on this very white girl. So I’m late, and I’m sorry (especially to Raymond, who is perhaps the most hardcore of us GC writers/photographers), but don’t think that means I didn’t have a great time at the show.

In fact, it was a damn good night. Having missed The Fashion due to a mix-up at the box office, I coaxed the door guy into believing I really was supposed to be on the guest list and personally escort me in. The venue was packed with mostly high-school-age punkers in skinny jeans and mohawks, but there were a few older fans (the ones who later knew the words to tracks from Alkaline Trio’s debut album Goddamnit.) Local quartet American Steel was about midway through their set of East Coast punk tunes (even though they’re from Oakland) in the vein of Bouncing Souls and Dropkick Murphys when I made it inside. The four guys in black tees powered through a few bass-heavy ballads and a couple catchy pop punk ditties before handing over the stage to Alkaline Trio.

From the minute the Chicago trio’s cartoonish skull logo flag was raised behind the stage, the audience was almost vibrating with anticipation. The set list included a number of tracks from the recently released Agony & Irony, obviously, as well as a happy number of songs from my personal favorite, 2001’s From Here to Infirmary. Since that was the album, technically their third, that put them on the charts, I was surprised that more people didn’t sing along with lead Matt Skiba on “Private Eye” and “Armageddon.” I was also surprised at how few people responded when Skiba dedicated “Bleeder” to “anyone who saw us at [Berkeley punk rock mecca] 924 Gilman” – mainly just a few friends and I.

However, the sold-out crowd made itself apparent as fists started pumping and lyrics were screamed along to more recent tracks like “In Vein” from Agony & Irony. It seems like this recent album is a bit more morbid, focusing a lot on good vs. evil, from the band’s former infatuation with love, heartbreak and the occasional depression-themed song. But it’s hard to take the lyrics too seriously when they are delivered with such enthusiasm and energy.

Fans from the city by the bay appreciated the addition of track “San Francisco” from 98’s Goddamnit. And particularly, after my own long journey this last week, I can relate to the lyrics: “Choking on the thought of leaving/Drinking to keep from sobbing/Four PM, four dollar pints/At SFO, the time and price.” Except I can unhappily report that pints are nearly double that price now.



Agony & Irony by Alkaline Trio. Buy it NOW on
The Fashion by The Fashion. Buy it NOW on

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Alkaline Trio at 2008's Live 105 BFD Festival – [Live Review]

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