
The Uncluded – [Live]

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

"I know some of you thought 'What the fuck is this?' when we started this band!"

Aesop Rock is right – because the Uncluded is definitely one of the more bizarre musical collaborations to come along of late – but as Jon Spencer once said, "Rock N Roll is supposed to be weird." Their album Hokey Fright is one odd little album to wrap your head around as well, yet it sounds exactly like its individual parts; not necessarily creating a sum that is in any way greater, but certainly enjoyable. More surprisingly, they are taking this project on tour.

  1. Like I said, this is an odd pairing and most probably a one-time deal. It takes guts to take this project to an audience and, as such, Kimya and Aesop Rock should be commended for their actions. They are clearly proud of their baby, and want to show it to the world in hopes of finding an audience for it.
  2. It's hard not to appreciate what the Uncluded bring to the table in these performances, and it's hard not to like the underdog stage persona they bring with them. With the simple setup (three people on stage), great chemistry between band members and the audience and coming out after their set to say hi, the band is hard not to like.
  3. Bass player/flautist/hired gun James is the third member of the Uncluded and very frequently steals the show. He steals a lot of attention onstage not just because he seems like a natural and flowing addition to the band, but because his lively stage antics are hard not to notice, whether it's his versatility in complementing the band's songs, or just how he gets into (way into) the performances, it's not unreasonable to think the band should be called James and the Uncluded.

The Uncluded are still on the road, and it's probably a good idea for you to check them out. There's something for everyone, and since a duo like this only comes by every so often, you will at least get to say you were there.



The Uncluded – Cambridge, MA – The Sinclair – 05/30/13 – [Live]


The Uncluded's current North American tour continues. Click here for an updated list of shows.

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