
The Darkness – [Live]

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

It's absolutely bizarre that The Darkness are back. It's even more bizarre to be a fan, actually. I wonder sometimes why I bother with a band that seems to be so much more about style than substance. The truth is, The Darkness are more than just style. Style is just the icing on the cake of their umlaut-peppered metal axe-wielding. My friend Kitty Kowalski (from Kowalskis fame, of course) once put it beautifully, "With a band that's just so much fun to listen to and watch, why should you give a fuck what anyone else thinks?"  I'm paraphrasing of course, but not with the swearing. Kitty, after all, has one filthy mouth.

Anyway, the Darkness are indeed back and, with a new album looming around the corner, the boys have crossed the pond for their first batch of US shows since I don't know when. The Darkness are worth seeing live for a number of reasons:

1. The songs actually translate well in a live setting. Anyone who's heard the albums knows that, along with the Rock, Darkness songs have a certain production value in their sound: there are layers of guitars, at least three solos per song and pitch-perfect vocals. Surprisingly, the songs sound as tight live as they do in the studio; every note is there, the live vocals are scaringly faithful to their studio counterparts, singer Justin Hawkins smokes on the guitar as much (if not more) as designated shredmaster Dan Hawkins and the band works like a classy well-oiled machine onstage; far from the trainwreck one expects from washed-up metal-lite purveyors.

2. The similarities to Spinal Tap are eerie. Here we have a band that has supposedly reached their peak a while back valiantly giving it another shot, touring the States in mid-sized venues, staging their comeback after a nasty breakup. And we all get to watch it happen. All that's left is for their drummer to self-combust at every show. I think that could be arranged.

3. Showmanship, showmanship, showmanship. Yes, you're getting the hits. Yes, you're getting a tight band that hasn't lost a step. Yes, you're getting the lights and the glamor – but did you know you're also going to be getting multiple costume changes, acoustic solo rendition of hard rock ballads, a glimpse into some new material and a ten-minute extended version of “Love of The Rocks,” complete with security escort through the entire crowd whilst dishing out tasty guitar licks?

So, what's your excuse? The Darkness really are that much fun to see live. You should be in that crowd, not giving a fuck.



The Darkness – Paradise Club, Boston, MA – 02/03/12


The Darkness' North American tour continues. For an updated listing of shows, click here .

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