
The SWAG Report 77

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Hey junky,

Well, I tell ya junky, this week is a little special onna SWAG Report – not only have I gotcha some good, good stuff ta sling yer way, but some of it is even stuff I like; not jus' stuff I can handja. 'At's right – this week, I got some good an' solid stuff bitch! Like check dis out:

'Is week, I got a bit o' dis new band called The Dirty Pearls from jus' downna street 'ere. I didn' never heard of 'em 'til Fi' dollar Billy threw it my way, but it's fuckin' great!  They're a hard cock rockin' band inna fines' tradition of Stone Temple Pilots, Megadeth, Skid Row an' Guns N' Roses, annis song izza kinda stuff 'at jus' soothes my junk-pushin' soul; the guitars're kinda glammy an' kinda sleazy, anna rhythm section'll knock yer teeth out – it's so hard. Ann'eir singer. His name's Tommy London an' yer gonna wanna remember it – cuz yer gonna be hearin' it plenty! Who woulda thought thit such fine shit wis jus' comin' up offa Rivington Street?

I thought about jus' makinn'is week all about Dirty Pearls, but'en I nabbed some other primo stuff like a brand new Misfits tune (okay, Jerry Only's from Jersey, but 'at's still close enough ta call 'im local fer me) an' new Mixtapes an' new Kimya Dawson an' new Cookies, ann'I couldn' jus' leave it at 'at. Alla dese bands're different – Misfits're kick-ass punk o'course, Mixtapes're snide-ass punk kids, Dawson's a crazy indie bitch witta kid an' Cookies're pop tarts, but these tunes're the bes' kinda stuff onna market ann'ere's no way ta say otherwise – I'd put my name down onnat.

So those're the picks o' da litter'is week but, as usual, I always got more fer you ta pick through junky! So git at it! Pilfer yer weaselly black guts out!

Love an' sloppy kisses,
yr. ever-lovin' Don Loder.

Austra – "Identity"

Austra – "Spellwork (Young Galaxy mix)"

Comasoft – "10 Volt"

Cookies – "The Dream"

Cookies – "Wilderness Tips"

Crown Point – "Back To You"

Crown Point – "Wolves"

Cuff The Duke – "Always Looking (Dum Dum Girls cover)"

Cuff The Duke – "Standing On The Edge"

Dirty Pearls – "Static"

DJ Rhettmatic – "Live Ones"

Elliott BROOD – "If I Get Old"

Everyboy – "To Arjun"

Grimes – "Crystal Ball"

Johan Agebjorn – "The Last Day Of Summer"

Khingz – "F.U.T.U.R.E."

Kimya Dawson – "Driving Driving Driving"

The Misfits – "Twilight Of The Dead"

Mixtapes – "I Accept That"

P.S. I Love You – "Subdivisions"

Pyyramids – "That Ain't Right"

Supreme Dicks – "Jack Smith"

The Away Team – "Terrorist Attack, Scars And Stripes"

The Morning Clouds – "Ends"

The Rural Alberta Advantage – "Tornado 87"

White Denim – Live At The Ghost Room EP

Young Galaxy – "Cover Your Tracks"

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