
Big, Big News!

Friday, 09 September 2011

Dearest readers,

It is with great joy that I make this announcement: I'm getting married. That's right, my five-year squeeze Heather has agreed to walk down the aisle with me. While I've long maintained that I don't need some expensive jewelry or a piece of paper to know when I'm committed to someone and she has held a firm stance of "never, not ever again," we figured neither of us was going anywhere and it seemed like as good a time as any to complicate our lives just a hair further and go nowhere together.

Anyway, what does this mean where Ground Control is concerned? Business won't change much, with the exception of the three-week road trip honeymoon we're taking (because Heather's afraid to fly, and getting my medication on a plane requires far more paperwork than it does to just get in the car) in the month of September. Stops will include Cleveland (neither of us has ever been to the Rock N' Roll Hall Of Fame – if you can believe it), Virginia, New Orleans and Disney World (that's right, just like the Superbowl, "Bill Adams – you just got married! What are you going to do now?" "I'm going to Disney World!") and a tremendous number of greasy spoons, diners, drive-ins, dives and all-you-can-eat buffets (I eat a lot —  it's cost-effective) along the way. This will mark the longest vacation I've taken since joining the press ten years ago (previous record: four days), the first time I've crossed the border since it became mandatory to have a passport to do so, the first time I've been to Disney World since 1993 and the first time my daughters have EVER been there.

Needless to say, it's kind of a big deal for all of us.

Now, because we're going to be on the road, internet access will be sporadic which means that, while new content will be going up on the site, it will happen at a slightly less-regular rate during the month of September, resuming as normal in October. Think of it as a moment when the staff at GC stepped out for milk, and we'll be back as soon as we can be, I just thought giving some notice regarding what's going on for the three weeks we're out of town would be the reasonable, respectful thing to do for you marvelous folks.

Thanks in advance for your patience and talk to you soon,
Bill Adams
Editor-In-Chief, Ground Control Magazine.

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