
The SWAG Report 65

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Gimme yer shoulda fer a minute junkie,

I'm tellin' ya, it's been a long fuckin' week, an' it's only Wednesday! Damn! Lettin' my sticky fingas do da walkin' is busy, tirin' work – 'epecially when I'm doin' it all fer you little sos-an'-sos. I might be run ragged, but I gotta good haul fer you reprobates'is week, 'at's fer sure. First off, I nabbed the new Blitzen Trapper tune fer yer thievin' pleasure. Their las' reckid was great – it was one o' the few that ol' fi' dollar Billy an' me could agree on las' year – ann'is new tune makes it feel like the next reckid's gonna be more o' the same – I'm tellin' ya.

Fer alla you inner city kids onna wes' coast, I cheated fate an' swiped the new Candyman 187 song, "Show 'Em All" too. Ya know, I still hang aroun' inna Bowery a bunch, but even I gotta pay some o' those wes' coas' fuckers some credit; it kin get dangerous 'ere, but parts o' Cali are somethin' else; an' when ya name yerself afta the code fer 'man down' like Candyman has, ya know whatcher gonna get. Check that tune out – if ya know what's good fo' ya.

Aw, what else? I swiped some new old Archers Of Loaf that's worth a shake, some new Cymbals Eat Guitars which ain't bad, a new tune by dis ban' called The R's that'll keep ya awake, some new Jacuzzi Boys an' I nabbed a coupla whole EPs by The Infinity Intention, Generationals an' Broadcaster, annat's only da tip o' the iceberg. So go geddit awready! I'm handin' ya what I'm holdin', go pilfer yer weaselly black guts out!

Love & sloppy kisses,
yer ever-lovin' Don Loder.

Archers Of Loaf – "What Did You Expect"

Army Navy – "The Long Goodbye"

Blitzen Trapper –
"American Goldwing"

Bones Howell – "Hair Of The Dog"

Bones Howell – "Nephritis (Daniel Ash mix)"

Bouncing Souls – "Kate Is Great"

Broadcaster – Joyride EP

Candyman 187 – "Show 'Em All"

Cymbals Eat Guitars – "Rifle Eyesight"

Debbie Neigher – "Evergreens"

Debbie Neigher – "My My My"

Extra Happy Ghost!!! – "Mercy Mercy"

Generationals – Medium Rarities EP

Jacuzzi Boys – "Cool Vapors"

Letting Up Despite Great Faults – "Teenage Tide"

Little Horn – "Bridges Break"

Little Horn – "Thief"

Marq DeSouzza –
"Morning After" b/w "Break My Heart" [Single]

Mates Of State – "Maracas"

Mathieu Santos – "I Hear The Trains Coming"

Otherness – "Chrystaline"

Pregnant – "Letter To A Friend"

Prophets & Kings – "Die To Rest"

Real Estate – "It's Real"

Rebeccah Higgs – "Gosh Darn Damn"

Soft Metals – "Eyes Closed"

The Forms – "Fire To The Ground"

The Forms – "Steady Hand"

The Gift – "Race Is Long"

The Infinity Intention – Under The Water EP

The R's – "Mr Hide"

Tom Vak – "Aoused"

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