
The SWAG Report 019

Thursday, 05 August 2010

Good evening alla you laborin' men and workin' girls,

Y'know, there are moments when I feel bad for alla you folks? It's gotta be rough; there you are goin' ta work every day, slavin' for some boss who prolly doesn't appreciate anything other than the fact that you take the paper offa his desk. Godless bastid. He gets ta look good while you do alla leg work – where's the justice innat? How does anybody do that? How do you do it?

Nah, don't bother tellin' me, cause the truth is I don't much care. Betta you than me, but that's why I feel like I should give somethin' back – that's why I go outta my way ta lift as much music outta big business as I can; this way, yer prolly gonna buy some anyway (ain'tcha? You hard workin' consumers you), but this way you get a little somethin' for nothin'

That's just the kinda guy I am.

An' so I managed ta lift some pretty good shit for ya this time. Yer gonna cream yer trousers when ya hear this new tune I lifted from Corin Tucker's solo album that's comin' out in October – it's good, good shit! I'm biased though, cause I've had a great big crush on'er since the first time I saw Sleater-Kinney live ears ago. Stop that snickerin' ya mooks! It's a man crush! Very masculine! Aw, who asked ya anyway?

Awright, So what else? Ya cheeky monkeys. Oh – I nabbed some Black Angels for you dope smokin' morons out'ere, this band it so good anna song is so strong this time, you'll get pasties jus' listenin' – I guarantee. Same goes for the Diego Garcia tune I found, an' some Marnie Stern, Posies, Wintergloves and Tortoise. Each o'dose songs is prime, PRIME theft at it's finest kids, an' all you should be sayin' is thank you! Not jus'at, I found some more Dax Riggs an' some Fox In The Henhouse too – jus' for good measure. Not jus'at, I even found somethin' you're not gonna get nowhere else: an exclusive remix o' the Dandy Warhols' "Bohemian Like You" to, shall we say, commemorate the greatest hits album'at the Warhols are puttin' out soon. So check it all out already, an' don't work too hard – ya suckers!

An' mix those nuts! I see two almonds toughing!
Yer ever-lovin' Don Loder.

A Place To Bury Strangers – "I Lived My Life To Stand In The Shadow Of Your Heart (Secret Machines Mix)"

Antony And The Johnsons – "Thank You For Your Love"

Balkans – "Georganne"

Best Coast – "Boyfriend"

Black Angels – "Telephone Blues"

BonJay – "Stumble"

Brass Bed – "Begs Me Not To Beg"

Brass Bed – "Pop Mission"

Bun B – "Put It Down (featuring Drake)"

Cheyenne Marie Mize – "Best"

Corin Tucker – "Doubt"

Dandy Warhols – "Bohemian Like You (Ground Control Underground Mix)"

Darker My Love – "Split Minute"

Dax Riggs – "Let Me Be Your Cigarette"

Diego Garcia – "You Were Never There"

Ed Vallance – "Famous Last Words"

EL-P – "Meanstreak (In 3 Parts)"

Envy – "Dreams Coming To An End"

Fox In The Henhouse – "Fears"

Highlife – "F Kenya Rip"

Les Savy Fav – "Let's Get Out Of Here"

Markus Mehr – "Hubble"

Marnie Stern – "For Ash"

Mr. Fogg – "Stung (Ital-Tek mix)"

N.A.S.A. – "Gifted 128"

Neaon Hitch – "What Starry Eyes Know"

Salem – "I Buried My Heart In A Wounded Knee"

Shapes And Sizes – "I Need An Outlet"

Shapes And Sizes – "Tell Your Mum"

Suuns – "Arena"

The Hush Now – "Vietnam Giraffe"

The NEC – "Those Guilty Pleasures"

The Posies – "Licence To Hide"

The Superions – "Destination Christmas"

Tortoise – "Prepare Your Coffin"

Vincent Minor – "Heavy Metal Lover"

White Mystery – "Take A Walk"

Wintergloves – "Plastic Sides (Teen Daze mix)"

Wintergloves – "Plastic Slides"

Various Artists – Woman At Work Volume 13 (Full album!)

Young Man – "Up So Fast"

Zach Hill – "Memo To The Man"

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