
Simian Mobile Disco – [Live]

Thursday, 02 April 2009

I have a good vibe every time I'm told an artist is playing at The Music Box. It's so much fun to have every type of way to see an artist in one venue. Upper-level seats with good cushions, large up-front dance floor and an outdoor upper balcony, which happened to be turned into what was intended to be the after-party once the concert was over. When I first arrived at The Music Box, I was wondering who would be opening. The DJs that were playing were actually the group set to “open” for Simian Mobile Disco. They weren’t given the stage to play from, and were set up on the cubbyhole stage right. The music was not new, was not old, was not unique, and was not being mixed well. I really felt like they were thrown into the show, or somehow had to fill in for who was originally intended to be there. I wasn’t worried, for I was quite excited to see Simian Mobile Disco, thinking back far enough to remember tracks like “We Are Your Friends” when they use to be just Simian. This show rests on what feels like the tail end of their tour for Attack Decay Sustain Release, which had released September of 07, although you may not say that knowing that they are still touring the world on this album. I had heard that they were working on a new album and was in high hopes to maybe be introduced into some new tracks during the show.

When SMD was shown by the curtain rising I was caught on the upper level in the corner startled that the show started perfectly on schedule. The room was pitch-black and I couldn’t see anything. I honestly thought that it was so dark that I was unsure as to how SMD—James Ford and James Anthony Shaw—were even able to see their equipment. When we were presented with a high hat, the crowd was also presented with lights that struck at the same moment, only giving SMD exactly what they wanted: an eruption from the crowd. The lights that went off and on were constantly changing in color and location were almost epileptic from the darkness that we were left with when any of them were off. After only two songs a security guard tapped me on the shoulder and told me to either find a seat (none available) or go downstairs to the dance floor. I had an intention of being on the dance floor in the first place but felt an obligation to watch the whole show without missing a single beat. Now I didn’t really have an option or decision. When I approached the downstairs, I was informed that the downstairs section was also overbooked and I was not allowed there as well. I stood with many angry people as they tried to argue their way through the door, while I humbly made my way to the top level on the roof to watch the show from a giant projector on a white screen over one of the bars. You guessed it. I watched a concert, at the concert, on a projector. It was awesome. The bartender, after making me a drink, informed me as to why the building was having such a dilemma.

On March 10, Cut Copy was playing at the venue. The fire marshal shows up and informs them that they are doing something illegal and have to shut the show down. The websites online tell us that they oversold tickets. If they oversold that night, I assume that they would know the correct number of people and would not have the same problem again. Lo and behold, instead of selling less tickets, they sell the tickets and tell those few who have a small bladder or need some fresh air are not allowed to watch the concert. Of course that’s just an assumption. As I was told this story, the fire marshal stood behind me as he argued with another staff person about the show and the crowd. I didn’t feel like eavesdropping into the conversation. Anyone who cancels a concert is most likely someone I would also not share opinions with. The show finished and I waited for the VIP section to start filling up. Yet, since it was a Monday and most of the crowd was not overjoyed at the venue’s position of being between a rock and a hard place, no one came up.


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