
5ive Announces Free Download from 2008 Album Hesperus

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Boston’s very own experimental metal band 5ive announced a free download from their latest Tortuga Recordings release, Hesperus. The 40-second intro of “Gulls” sounds like it could belong on Frankfurt’s Mille Plateaux label—which might explain the association with Kid 606—but then a quick snare fill let’s you know real fucking fast that this is some dope-ass, drugged-out metal.

Hesperus marks' the band's—consisting of Ben Carr (guitars) and Charlie Harrold (Drums)—third release since 2001, although has the boy band Five's 3-CD release mixed in for good measure. It would be pretty funny if a bunch of 13-year-old girls showed up to 5ive show, thinking they got back together to gear up for a tour with Backstreet Boys.

Anyway, check out this song, then make sure to buy Hesperus because it kicks ass.

Hesperus is out now on Tortuga.

Download – “Gulls” from Hesperus – [mp3]

More on 5ive here:

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