
Spiritualized Announces U.S. Tour Dates

Thursday, 11 October 2007

Those of you that have an ear for the grandiose might just be delighted to hear that Commodore Jason Spaceman, helmsman of the good ship Spiritualized, has set course for American shores. In the U.S. for the first time in four years, the band will be coming off a string of European dates as part of the Acoustic Mainline Tour, which includes the music of both Spiritualized and Spaceman 3. Perhaps show-goers will catch audio glimpses of Spiritualized's recently recorded, as-yet untitled follow-up to Amazing Grace. Or maybe not. Either way, get yourself to the coastal areas!

Spiritualized on tour:

Sunday 11th – San Francisco @ Bimbos
Monday 12th – Los Angeles @ Vista Theater
Tuesday 13th – Los Angeles @ Vista Theater
Friday 16th – New York @ The Apollo

Spiritualized on Myspace

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