U2 – Song For Someone – 360 degree video version

U2 – Song For Someone – 360 degree video version

Thursday, 07 January 2016
 U2 have created a unique music video experience utilizing 360 degree video technology. Harking back to memories of the band’s Rattle and Hum days when they “sang with locals,” this video brings entirely new meaning to “home video” recording and sharing.

Song for Someone – 360 Version (follow this link to see the “click and drag” version on U2’s Facebook page) ‘There is a light, don’t let it go out…’ Without leaving their homes, singers around the world join Adam, Larry, The Edge and Bono on the #U2ieTour stage for an extraordinary interpretation of #SongForSomeone by director Chris Milk. U2, Vrse & Apple Music reimagining the music video. You’ve got to see it to believe it… and you still might not.For the full VR experience, download GearVR in the Oculus Store or the Vrse app on your phone at vrse.com.

Posted by U2 on Thursday, November 12, 2015

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