
2008 Vans Warped Tour Part 3 – [Live Review]

Monday, 07 July 2008

This is part three of a three-part series on the 2008 Vans Warped Tour. Part one can be found here and part two can be found here.

It was now about 4:30 PM, and the heat had started taking its toll on the crowd. Everywhere I looked I saw kids seeking shade, whether it was under the bed of a truck that was serving as a stage, or by leaning on the back of a portable toilet. I, however, was still at full throttle, and after yet another quick beer, it was over to the stage, this time to check out The Aggrolites.

I gotta admit that after a day of screaming punk rock and metalcore, The Aggrolites were a nice change of pace. Hailing from Los Angeles, their sound was a nice combination of Ska, Funk and Reggae, and was really quite infectious. As a cool wind continued to blow in from the Bay I became hooked on their music and the vibe they were throwing down, and I was glad I decided to check them out. Yet another band that is on the entire tour, so go see them!

It was now time to return to the main stages to check out Pennywise and Angels and Airwaves, two of the biggest bands on the tour. First I was over at main stage left were So. Cal's Pennywise hit the stage running and worked the crowd into a total frenzy. I was quite surprised that so many kids had so much energy left in them this late in the day, but bodies were flying over the barricade on a pretty consistent basis. I give much props to the band for coming out and putting on a total high energy set, and also to singer Jim Lindberg for giving me and my camera the finger.

As I made my way over to the Main Stage right to check out Angels and Airwaves, the new band of ex-Blink 182 front man Tom DeLonge, I couldn't help but notice the amount of people who were also headed in the same direction. It seemed that this was the band the kids had stayed to see, and as DeLonge and his band walked out onto the stage they pretty much screamed like those teenage girls you see in footage of The Beatles during the early 60s. There were no flying bodies as there had been earlier in the day, but the band still had the crowd in the palm of their hands with their melodic and catchy songs. DeLonge's guitar playing really stood out and made me realize that this is one talented band. I did not stick around for their entire set however, because there was still one last band I wanted to see today.

Getting over to the stage one last time just as the Horrorpops started to rock what was left of the crowd with their stripped-down psychobilly sound, I was pretty stoked that the day was ending on a positive note. Together with guitarist Kim Nekroman and drummer Niedermeier, Patricia Day and the Horrorpops put on what was easily one of my favorite sets of the day. Watching the band I couldn’t help but wish that they were playing one of the main stages, and getting the recognition they deserve. The husband and wife team of Day and Nekroman seemed to be having as much fun up on stage as the crowd they were playing to, and as they wrapped up their set I walked out of the gates quite content.

Looking back on the day, I'd have to say that The Vans Warped Tour continues to be nothing less than a total success. To bring together so many bands of so many different genres is no easy task, but somehow the organizers have done just that yet again, and my day went of without a hitch. If I had only one complaint, it would be that there was simply not enough time to check out all the bands I had hoped to see, which is why I will be back when this tour returns to the Bay Area later in the Summer. Stay tuned….


Pennywise – “City Is Burning” – [mp3]
Pennywise – “Disconnect” – [mp3]
Pennywise – “Homesick” – [mp3]
Pennywise – “Knocked Down” – [mp3]
Pennywise – “Fuck Authority” – [mp3]
The Aggrolites – “Funky Fire” – [mp3]
The Aggrolites – “Mr. Misery” – [mp3]
The Horrorpops – “Heading for the Disco” – [mp3]
The Horrorpops – “Miss Take” – [mp3]
The Horrorpops – “Where They Wander” – [mp3]

Warped Tour Information:

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