
It was bound to happen—after over a decade of David Yow wearing his derangements on his sleeve and yowling out his demons with Scratch Acid and The Jesus Lizard, the authorities must have caught up with him. If that's the case, then for both his own good and that of society, they must have put him on mood altering medications. Whether that's true or not, it's the best possible way of explaining his incomparably playful mood in conversation—being remarkably difficult...

Thursday, 06 December 2007

Whenever anyone—be it a band or entertainer of any kind, a political figure or even a co-worker—stands up in support of any kind of ethic, is outspoken about it and exhibits said ethic as being unimpeachable for them, while those with less rigid scruples or those that also previously upheld said personality trait as being very important to them but didn't exhibit it with the same fervent belief immediately begin to feel threatened and insecure. Simply put, as soon as...

Wednesday, 05 December 2007

Louis XIV have announced that they will be setting off on the road in support of their new album titled Slick Dogs and Ponies. The album—which features the #1 Specialty Charts hit, "Guilt By Association"—arrives online and in stores on January 29. The San Diego-based rock 'n' roll band will introduce fans to their new material via a series of upcoming concert dates, including a much-anticipated North American tour alongside Editors and Hot Hot Heat. The schedule kicks off on...

Wednesday, 05 December 2007

Almost everything written about Iron and Wine immediately states that it is merely the stage name of one Sam Beam. And although this is true, it is only in part: on November 30th at the Paramount Theater in Oakland, the statement was most certainly more false than true… Iron and Wine started out in 2002 as the bedroom musical project of a cinematography professor. Channeling the spirit of Nick Drake mixed with romantic notions of the Deep South, Sam Beam...

Tuesday, 04 December 2007

After 19 albums in 18 years, Ani DiFranco has made an indelible impression upon the pop and folk music worlds as well as the political conscience (both sexual and federal) of her listeners. Her fans worship her and that makes a biblically entitled collection of her songs appropriate; Canon culls some choice cuts from the singer’s storied and celebrated career and presents the enduring image of DiFranco in the general public’s consciousness: a politically aware and emotionally charged songwriter that...

Tuesday, 04 December 2007

First things first: Go to a Spank Rock show! Right now. He brings more energy to the stage than anyone I’ve ever seen as he spits fast rhymes and bounces around like an old school MC. Almost every song mentions sex in the least discreet way possible, and you just kind of have to stand there and watch in a fascinated disbelief. When Bangers & Cash came out a few weeks ago, I was excited to see that Spank Rock...

Monday, 03 December 2007

Let me start by stating that upon first listening to this album a memory was triggered. Maybe it was just the name of the song “The Alchemist” that reminded me of the song, “The Necromancer” by Van Der Graaf Generator. Other reviewers of this album have been strict about denoting the roots of Witchcraft's sound as coming from forefathers Pentagram and Black Sabbath, but I would like to suggest that there is an earlier influence evidenced in the sounds and...

Monday, 03 December 2007

It's safe to say that the Black Lips have garnered their fair share of buzz over the last few months. Honestly, I'm slightly sick of hearing about them. But that won't stop us from satisfying the needs of Black Lips fans by clueing them in: The Black Lips are going on tour. No one can deny the power and debauchery of a live set from these boys, so look for allegations of donkey-rape or whatever weird shit they plan on...

Saturday, 01 December 2007

You've got to hand it to KCRW for finding the right combination of artists to put on a sonically diverse show. Tuesday night's line up of Cass McCombs and Jose Gonzalez at the Henry Fonda Theatre was no exception. While most of the audience was there to witness the hauntingly beautiful voice of Jose Gonzalez, Cass McCombs should not be dismissed as just an opener. His recently released album, Dropping the Writ, shows an interestingly schizophrenic approach to the singer/songwriter...

Saturday, 01 December 2007

The writing on a t-shirt that a kid in line for this night’s show was wearing said it all: "Exhume the wretched body from its timeless slumber." The death-roars that singers of metalcore and death metal bands use is the voice needed to awaken the dead. Tonight I was going to witness a perturbed spectacle, an obvious oxymoron of musical and spiritual intrigue—a Christian death metal band (hardcore genre-ists, please forgive me if you feel I am generalizing the use...

Friday, 30 November 2007