
There were two lines formed at the front of the Mayan entrance for Monday night’s sold-out Justice show: those who were 21 and over and those who were not. The majority of the audience, for lack of a better word, were kids. Piled like sardines in the front of the stage on the floor, the night belonged to them. I can only imagine that many came out of it thinking that it was the best show they’d ever seen. For...

Friday, 04 April 2008

Let’s commence the start of music video reviews with one fantastic song. I’d have to say, the first few times I heard this song, I truly did not get it. What in the shit does "DVNO" stand for? Well, someone out there knows, as the song was featured in the mediocre new movie Hitman. At least people in the music industry know good music when they hear it, because they obviously don’t know good acting when they see it. Justice...

Friday, 04 April 2008

I won’t lie, I expected to be bored. I’m the kind of person who can go see a band I absolutely worship, but if the show gets too long I start to tune out. I love U2 but I knew U23D was a concert flick and those are my least favorite type of music movies. I’m much more of a documentary person. However, this film was edited wonderfully. The 3D isn’t too over the top so it’s not like Bono...

Thursday, 03 April 2008

Daniel Lanois’ film Here Is What Is may be not a cinematic masterpiece, but it is a music masterpiece, and one that profoundly enthralled me. Prior to the screening at the Vista Theatre in Silver Lake, there was a brief performance by Lanois alongside his drummer/compatriot Brian Blade, bassist Daryl Johnson and keyboardist Aaron Embry. Special guests included Brian Blade, Sr., who brought the house down with a rousing gospel number, “This May Be The Last Time,” an Argentinean burlesque...

Thursday, 03 April 2008

According to a variety of sources, the truth and nature of psychosis is actually simpler than many people like to believe. It is, on many basic and fundamental levels, the act of embarking upon the same course of action repeatedly and reasonably expecting different results each time. With that rationale in hand it makes observing the practices of musicians incredibly fascinating: every couple of years, any given band will release a new album of material and then embark upon the...

Thursday, 03 April 2008

For England, 2007 was a year of reunions. Last year saw promoters rake in the dough by bringing acts like the Spice Girls, Take That and Echo & The Bunnymen back to the stage. While nearly fully responsible for disseminating trip hop—the morning-after-pill music for the 90s rave-on generation—Portishead surprised everyone by resurfacing on festival bills for this year's Coachella and last year's ATP. Even more surprising was the talk of a new album since their last release was about...

Thursday, 03 April 2008

Troubadour Chris Bathgate has announced the follow-up to 2007's A Cork Tale Wake, releasing an mp3 from the forthcoming Wait, Skeleton. EP, out April 8th on Quite Scientific. The EP, which will be released in digital format, is also available in a limited edition hand-made hardcover edition, limited to 250 copies and available directly from Quite Scientific and at a handful of independent record shops. Wait, Skeleton. is comprised of three new songs and three re-worked/re-recorded versions of songs from...

Tuesday, 01 April 2008

I'm sure there are quite a few Death Cab and Postal Service fans out there, and for you, here's some "news." Frontman Ben Gibbard has announced a new side project called Just Jazzin'. Apparently, the name says it all . Gibbard says "there's just a side of me and my music that desires a lack of structure and Just Jazzin' does that for...

Tuesday, 01 April 2008

Ground Control's coverage of the Paid Dues Festival is in three parts. This is Part III. Click here to jump back to Part I or Part II. Back in the VIP area, the DJ spun stacks of records for the tired few who ponied up $100 bucks for the privelege, enough for eleven-hours of non stop music without falling back on some massive hard drive. A marathon achievement in itself (not to mention the sheer weight of 11 hours worth...

Saturday, 29 March 2008

To put it mildly, most members of the underground music scene do not wear mainstream acceptance well. Maybe it’s simply a matter of too many eyes and ears on a musician at once that makes underground and independent musicians uneasy; under the big, bright lights, musicians that occupy what they consider to be small niches that shouldn’t, theoretically, get much attention and wither and dry up. Those that worry about that prospect should take heart however, because Kimya Dawson has...

Saturday, 29 March 2008