Music for America Inspires Young Voters

Music for America Inspires Young Voters

Friday, 03 November 2006


In an ongoing effort to inspire millions of young voters to participate in the electoral process, Music for America ( has partnered with over a dozen bands touring nationwide this fall – registering voters, discussing current issues and sparking peer-to-peer conversations around the issues that matter most to young people. The push is designed to turn young people out to vote on November 7 and get the newest generation of voters more involved in the electoral process.

Artists who are taking Music for America on tour this fall include Cut Chemist, Death Cab for Cutie, The Long Winters, Minus the Bear, TV on the Radio, Tanya Morgan, The Dresden Dolls, Drive-By Truckers, Barenaked Ladies, Lyrics Born, The Decemberists, She Wants Revenge and Xiu Xiu – leading to an MFA presence at nearly a dozen shows per night all across the country.

Music for America is creating a presence at each show in each market by tapping into a growing network of local MFA volunteers, who attend the shows for free in exchange for spending time “tabling” — i.e. handing out issue cards, passing out MFA merchandise, registering voters, recruiting additional volunteers, and adding new names to MFA’s membership. Artists support MFA’s efforts in a variety of ways, and often plug the group’s message from the stage, taking advantage of this platform to speak about current issues and urge concert-goers to visit the MFA information tables and to get more involved.

“We’re honored to be working with Music for America. This is a crucial year for elections and its very important to us that as many people as possible get out and vote and have access to the electoral process,” says Nick Harmer, bassist of Death Cab for Cutie.

“The Millennial Generation (people under 30) is as big as the Baby Boom. With the highest turnout in more than 30 years, young people overwhelmingly voted for change in 2004,” says MFA Executive Director, Molly Moon Neitzel. “Young people now have the power to change the direction this country is headed in this election, and we are going to exercise that power.”

A complete list of the remaining MFA-partnered concerts can be found at

If you live in Montana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Idaho, Maine, or New Hampshire you can register to vote even on Election Day. To know more about the candidates and issues, become a member of Music For America, it’s free and Music For America endorses candidates and ballot initiatives in 48 states for their membership. Join now at

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