Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Elefant, Morning After Girls

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Elefant, Morning After Girls

Sunday, 27 August 2006

What a strange bill. It’s not surprising to see the Morning After Girls playing with Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, but it certainly is odd to throw Elefant in the mix. Australia’s Morning After Girls were a stunning wall of sound as usual. The band seem to be putting on a more charismatic stage show with the more touring they do. Compared to last year’s gig at Spaceland, the Girls came off as more confident and more commanding. And then there’s Elefant. As usual, frontman Diego Garcia was the focal point of the electro-pop band’s performance. The moment Elefant started their set the show turned from a psych rock scene to…hmm, a Morrissey concert? Seriously, Garcia already has a large Latin following (as witnessed from the throngs of girls shouting to him in Spanish and English) he should just cut to the chase and join forces with Moz. And it must be noted that we did overhear someone in the audience quip, “I bet he masturbates in the mirror.” Headliners BRMC played a long and droned out set to the sold out crowd. What is impressive about BRMC is the fact that they can maintain crowd energy and attention while switching between jarring rock and more soulful acoustic nods. The boys played an even mix of material off their last few albums. Peter Hayes showed off his multi-instrumentalist talents brilliantly, even taking time for a stunning turn on trombone. Not much was said by the band although the Morning After Girls were thanked quite profusely and Elefant…were simply thanked.

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